Start Your Morning Strong With a Daily Devotional Bible Verse for Today, June 13, 2024

Studying the Bible is something that Christians know we should be doing regularly. After all, God's Word says, "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it" (Joshua 1:8, NIV).

While we understand the importance of daily study, many of us have trouble turning it into a consistent practice and spiritual discipline—especially when it might feel as though we have no free time in our busy schedules.

Fortunately, there are quick ways to start your morning (or any time of day, really) strong and rooted in our religious beliefs, which brings us to this short, daily devotional (and Bible verse of the day) for today, Thursday, June 13, 2024.

Related: 45 Morning Bible Verses to Start Your Day Strong and Rooted in the Word

<em>Daily devotional for today, Thursday, June 13, 2024</em><p>Canva</p>
Daily devotional for today, Thursday, June 13, 2024


Scripture Reading for Today, June 13, 2024

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice." - Philippians 4:4

Related: 115 Encouraging Bible Verses to Motivate You Throughout the Day

Daily Devotional

Sometimes, Christians might struggle with motivation when it comes to certain spiritual disciplines like reading the Bible and praying. There are some days that they feel more like tasks we're dragging our feet to complete instead of approaching this time with joy and awe.

Whether there's a song you can put on that puts you in the right headspace, a certain verse that reignites that reverence or a gratitude journal you can reference, it can be helpful to get back into the right frame of mind—away from distractions and stresses—to truly "rejoice in the Lord."

Related: 83 Bible Verses About Life, Purpose and Perspective

Daily Prayer

God, we get distracted so easily during our days, that sometimes, just the thought of praying or reading your Word can sound like a chore. Please help us change our mindsets and, instead, keep our joy and gratitude at the forefront of our thoughts. Amen.

Next, catch up on other recent devotionals:
- Devotional on Monday, June 3
- Devotional on Tuesday, June 4
- Devotional on Wednesday, June 5
- Devotional on Thursday, June 6
- Devotional on Friday, June 7
- Devotional for Saturday, June 8
- Devotional for Sunday, June 9
- Devotional for Monday, June 10
- Devotional for Tuesday, June 11
- Devotional for Wednesday, June 12