Sexy eBay item selling out during isolation

While supermarket shelves were cleared of toilet paper, it looks like certain Aussies were stocking up on paper of a different variety, with eBay sales revealing a very sexy spending trend we indulged in during our social distancing lockdown.

Online shopping was, of course, a huge beneficiary of the sudden closure of businesses across the nation, but within that category few items saw a jump as dramatic as sexy novels.

Woman read book in sexy camisole erotic fiction sales skyrocket on eBay
It looks like Aussies were looking for an escape during coronavirus. Photo: Getty Images

Yep, new numbers from eBay show that Aussies reached for the more sultry page-turners when picking their entertainment.

eBay erotic fiction sales spike 423%

The online platform reported a staggering 423% jump in sales of erotic or semi-erotic fiction.


Leading the titillating titles were such classic as Fifty Shades of Grey with at-home delivery allowing readers to indulge in the reading without risking being spotted picking up the books in person.

Image of the Fifty Shades of Grey novel on eBay where sales spike 423% during coronavirus lockdown
The Fifty Shades of Grey books are a sexy sellout. Photo: eBay

The classic Mills and Boon books were also part of the trend, with the retailer reporting they were selling as quickly as their more modern counterpart.

With titles such a Love Between the Covers, The Affair in Tangier and The Executive’s Pregnancy Ultimatum, it’s not hard to see why the series are such a hit.

While spending on literature saw a huge hike overall – shoppers have spent a staggering $9-million on books since isolation kicked off – the sexy titles had little competition for largest spike in sales.

Children’s books jumped an impressive, but comparatively modest 88%.

The book read by Meghan Markle to baby Archie on his first birthday, Duck! Rabbit! was particularly popular landing in the top three after the viral video and surrounding controversy dominated headlines.


Other surprising jumps include the Twilight Saga which saw a huge bike of 108% after it was announced that a new instalment is on the way.

Coronavirus sees certain products skyrocket sales

Books aren’t the only products to have jumped off shelves as part of lockdown spending.

Experts reveal homewares have spiked dramatically during the lockdown period as Aussies begin ‘nesting’ as part of their newly home-based lifestyle.

Similarly, women’s alternative period products also noted a remarkable jump after panic buying cleared shelves in March following the declaration of a global pandemic.

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