Scott Cam reveals why he loves hosting The Block

The Block's Scott Cam reveals why he loves hosting the show.

Video transcript

SCOTT CAM: You know, I love building. I'm a Carpenter by trade, and I love the building game, and I like telly. So it's the two combinations are perfect for me. And I work really hard for three months, as in seven days a week, and then I've got post-production to do, which I'm in now, which is voiceovers and things like that. And I can do that from home these days. So I've got three or four months of that, of voiceovers, which is-- here's some scripts that have just turned up today. They just email me.

I go downstairs, read them, send them to post. So I've got to narrate 55 episodes of the show, which is-- like that'd be the most voiceover that anybody does in any television show. And I've been doing that for a long time, 17 seasons of it. That's not that hard. It's just a bit tedious. So I've got a really good job, is what I'm trying to say. You know? I work really hard for three months, and then I work--

I just work pretty easy for the next four or five months. So I keep coming back because-- And I love the show. And I love the fact that we have new houses and new builds. We've got, obviously, new contestants. But I love to see the transition.

That's what I love about building, is the transition from day one to the day we move out because I always look at it and go, OK. You know, I'm looking at the house, and then I go, right, I've got to imagine-- I've got to remember this when we get to the end because I love that transition of building.