Scorpio Daily Horoscope – 28 June 2024

Where do you want to go in the world? Where do you dream of escaping to? What do you dream of studying? What would you love to teach? In just under a week from now, it will be great if you have an answer to these questions. There’s going to be a New Moon in your 9th house, the part of your chart where you take great voyages inwardly and outwardly. It’s a part of your chart where you travel and have adventures. it’s also where you see the big picture of life. And it’s where you go on the great cosmic quest, to discover meaning. Think about where in your life you need to step back and get some perspective. That’s the part of your life you need to work on as the New Moon approaches. Note! It’s the second New Moon in this part of your chart in a row. Are you getting the message?
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The post Scorpio Daily Horoscope – 28 June 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.