Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – 23 April 2024
If your domestic set up or home/family life has been a source of argy-bargy lately, relax. This cycle, aka Mars in your 4th House, is about to come to an end. Mars’ placement over the past few weeks has meant that for some of you, your family and/or your home life (and/or the people you live with or the actual place where you live) has been a source of some fire and maybe a bit of brimstone (or just some consternation)! Use the moment – now – to resolve any outstanding differences that are still coming between you if you can. Life will be a lot less about dramas and a bit more about fun soon enough. For others, family is fine and it’s simply meant you’ve been somehow ACTIVE at home, perhaps renovating or decorating and generally Getting Things Done. If so, well done for using the cycle so wisely!
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The post Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – 23 April 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.