Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – 21 May 2024

There is a major astrological alignment this week as Jupiter meets Neptune. Best possible scenario is we all get a little bit more enlightened. Worst is someone could try and trick you! This is a major alignment… the effects will last a lot more than 24 hours…
As a SAGITTARIUS, Neptune being triggered by Jupiter is good news because it means you can now make your home your sanctuary, as Neptune moves through your 4th House of All Things Domestic. Life at home can become more serene. If you live in a flood-plagued area, it’s a great time to get flood insurance as Neptune is all about water, though! That done, make your home somewhere you can relax and enjoy. If you’re into meditating, it’s a great time to set yourself up with a meditate room or corner. Any SADGES thinking of moving to the seaside have excellent Stars.
Are you ready to change your life? There is astrology coming which is ALL about that. I’ll be holding a workshop for my Mainly Moonology members all about it very soon – sign up and don’t miss out!

The post Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – 21 May 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.