Ron DeSantis' Weirdest Habit Is Creeping People Out All Over Again After RNC Speech

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis returned to the media spotlight on Tuesday when he spoke at the Republican National Convention ― and he brought one of his most unsettling habits with him.

DeSantis, who initially ran against Donald Trump for the GOP nomination before dropping out of the race and endorsing his former rival, has a tendency to flick out his tongue while speaking.

A new “Daily Show” supercut video finds he did it at least 13 times during his speech on Tuesday:

DeSantis wasn’t the only one the make headlines for his mouth.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who suffered one of the most infamous cases of dry mouth in political history when he delivered the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s 2013 State of the Union speech, got some attention on social media for some odd mouth movements of his own on Tuesday.