Retired Military German Shepherd Joyfully Welcomes Dad at Airport After 8 Months Apart

Being away from your dog can be heartbreaking, especially when you share the bond of serving in the military overseas together. Retired bomb-sniffing German Shepherd Dorka knows this feeling too well, and she couldn't wait to reunite with Dad, Monte.

After 8 months apart, this duo's meetup is nothing short of spectacular. Posted by @dorka_bel on Instagram, it's clear their special bond is unbreakable. This reunion will warm your heart!

"After 5 days of traveling, getting refused on a flight in another country, multiple flight cancellations and overbookings, taking a train two states away to catch another flight at a different airport, so many layovers, and 7500 miles we are finally reunited," the caption says.

The clip shows the sweet German Shepherd patiently waiting for her dad in the airport as he returns from Iraq. When he takes the final step off the stairs, she runs to him, and the two embrace in a way only dog lovers understand. Wearing an adorable pink bandana, Dorka shows how much she missed her person with her tailing excitedly wagging. These two have been apart long enough, and there are many snuggles and kisses to make up for.

This bonded pair has quite the following, with more than 95,000 people keeping an eye on their adventures. Many stopped by the post to thank Monte for his services while wishing the both of them happiness in whatever happens next.

"Welcome home! Glad you're back safe and sound! Been waiting for this. Dorka is so happy! Thank you for your services and all your sacrifices," one person wrote. "I'm so glad you are home safely and you two are together again!" another said. "Who is happier?! This is so sweet!" another added.

This is one of the sweetest reunions ever had and we wish the two of them nothing but the best.

Related: Moment Military Dog Reunites with Handler After 2 Years Is Impossible to Resist

Like her handler, Dorka served her time sniffing for bombs and was considered a Military Working Dog (MWD) before returning home while Dad stayed behind. There's an estimated 2,300 MWDs at any given time, and when they reach time for retirement, they've definitely earned it.

GI Jobs notes that most MWDs serve for 10-12 years before they're relocated to a transitional hub at Lackland Air Force Base near San Antonio, Texas, to prepare for retirement and adoption.

There's no doubt Dorka and Monte deserve some quality time together. After 8 months apart—and after bravely serving our country—we hope they'll never be away from each other again. It's the best kind of happy ending!