Ask Us All Your Taboo Questions Around Death And Dying, And We'll Have A Hospice Nurse Answer

Recently, we featured Hospice Nurse Julie, aka @hospicenursejulie, who educates about death and dying on TikTok. We covered her viral video where she teaches us about the actively dying phase, which is the last phase of life.

A healthcare worker's hand gently holding a patient's hand to provide comfort
Hispanolistic / Getty Images

Julie discussed symptoms someone in the actively dying phase might experience that may look scary, but are completely normal — like the death rattle, the "rally," and "fish-out-of-water" breathing.

Golden fish lying on a wet surface

Julie admitted that most people are scared of talking about death and dying, so by educating about the final stages of life, we can better be there for ourselves and our loved ones.

Jeffrey Coolidge / Getty Images

Hundreds of people thanked Julie for giving them peace about their own experiences, and many felt comforted knowing what to expect in the last stage of life.

Comments on a social media post discussing a personal perspective on mortality and end-of-life comfort
Alana Valko / Via

Now that Hospice Nurse Julie has educated about the actively dying phase (I recommend you read the article or watch her video if you haven't yet), and hundreds from the BuzzFeed Community have also shared what they wish they knew about death and dying beforehand, we want to hear what lingering questions you still have. Hospice Nurse Julie will answer the most frequently asked questions in an upcoming article.

So, what questions do you have about death and dying? It can be anything from the taboo — like what does the body physically do after death — to the practical, like how does a hospital handle my loved one's body after death?

Maybe for you, you've followed Hospice Nurse Julie and know what the actively dying phase entails, but there's still some symptoms you experienced with a loved one that are on your mind and leaving you questioning. You'd like to ask Julie about these symptoms to gain some clarity and closure.

Healthcare professional in scrubs with stethoscope speaking to an older woman sitting indoors
Lpettet / Getty Images

Maybe you're more curious about hospice care itself and how it differs for someone in their last phase of life versus a patient not in hospice.

Perhaps for you, you're just looking for advice from a hospice nurse on how to handle grief after losing a loved one — what has helped families after their loved one passed on?

Two friends sitting on a log in a sunlit park, viewed from behind, hugging with heads leaned together
Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

Whatever your questions are, don't be shy to ask whatever could give you clarity, closure, or peace about death and dying. Your questions and resulting answers could help others who are in a similar position, and by talking about death and dying more, we can alleviate some of the fear around it.

Note your questions may be answered in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post with Hospice Nurse Julie. You can ask your questions down below in the comments or feel free to send them in anonymously using this form.