Put the Last of Your Jam to Use in This Delicious Strawberry Lemonade Cocktail
Don't toss out that strawberry jam jar! If there's still a bit in the bottom, you can use it—and the jar—to shake up this delicious strawberry lemonade cocktail! It's easy as can be, and very satisfying. Plus, you're being frugal, so you get to feel good about yourself.
Don't want to wait? You can also shake this up in a cocktail shaker, of course.
Yields: 1 serving
Prep Time: 5 mins
Total Time: 5 mins
2 oz.
3/4 oz.
fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp.
(or last of jar) strawberry jam
Fresh strawberry and lemon for garnish
Add ice to jam jar, then add vodka and juice. (Add more jam, if necessary.) Close lid and shake well, until chilled. Remove lid and garnish with a strawberry and lemon wedge.
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