Foods for a Sharper Brain

Fortifying your grey matter with a puzzle or two is one way to keep neurons firing, but it turns out your best mental armour is right there on your plate. Noshing on the best brainy foods can lower your risk of metal decline by a whopping 70-80% according to Dr Neal Barnard, lead author of new guidelines for Alzheimer’s prevention.

The idea is to curb our intake of saturated and trans fats (found in fried foods, fatty meats and biscuits). On the menu? Vegies, fruit, legumes and whole grains, which are jam-packed with brain-loving vitamins like folate and vitamin B6.

Add some nuts or seeds for a dose of the antioxidant vitamin E, which is linked to a reduced Alzheimer’s risk. If you’re not so nutty about nuts, avocados, tomatoes, spinach and mangoes are also rich in the nutrient.

Another brain-booster? Vitamin B12, which helps reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid linked to cognitive impairment. Find it in meat, seafood and dairy as well as fortified cereals. Now that’s what we call a delicious prescription.


Five brain-boosting foods to keep you firing on all cylinders:

- Nuts and seeds
- All kinds of berries
- Colourful vegetables
- Legumes
- Vitamin B12-rich meat, fish and dairy


Five reasons to eat avocados
7 foods to avoid