What is the Wheat-Free Diet?

It sounds like another TV infomercial, but Dr William Davis M.D., has seen it time and again: when people eliminate wheat in all its forms the kilos melt away. No special formulas, “meal replacement drinks” or “cleansing” regimes required.

Obviously, weight loss at this rate can be maintained for only so long, or you’d end up a pile of dust. But remember, sugar and other carbohydrates count, too. In other words, if you eliminate wheat but drink soft drinks and eat chocolate and chips every day, you will negate most of the benefits of eliminating wheat.

Related: Are You Addicted to Wheat?

But most rational adults already know that avoiding bottles of coke and tubs of ice cream is necessary part of weight loss. It’s the wheat that seems counter intuitive. You may panic when you realize how much of a transformation you need to make your cupboards and fridge, but it’s worth it.

The best thing to do: divorce yourself from wheat. Going wheat-free doesn’t have to be complicated, or mean giving up on the foods you love. Download Prevention's 2-Day Wheat-Free Recipe Plan, for FREE! Click here to download the planner.

Related: Best Wheat-Free Foods

Wheat-Free Recipes:

- Scallops with Avocado Kiwi Salsa
- Related: Poached Eggs with Spinach Mushrooms
- Moroccan Egg and Beef Salad