Week 26 of your Pregnancy


The end of this week marks the end of the second trimester. It’s time to take a look down at your beautiful belly - can you believe your unborn baby is snuggled up in there, waiting to come out and meet you? Though your back may be starting to ache and your sleep a bit disrupted due to the difficulty in finding a comfortable position, it’s now only a few months until you will be able to hold your newborn in your arms and promise to love him for ever. That makes all those little discomforts, and even stretch marks and haemorrhoids, seem unimportant in the big scheme of things!


Your baby weighs just under a kilogram (though of course, the swimming pool you’re carrying around for him makes all that extra belly weigh heaps more!) Around about now, your baby might even start to respond to gentle pressure on your tummy. The next couple of weeks will be baby’s most active time in the womb; as he gets bigger, he will be squished in and his movement restricted.

Photo: Fetus at 26 weeks - Scan provided by
Sydney Ultrasound for Women

2nd Trimester Week by Week

Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26

1st Trimester
(Weeks 1-12)
3rd Trimester
(Weeks 27-40)

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