Poire Belle Hélène

  • Serves 4

  • Preparation time:

  • Cooking time:


1/2 vanilla pod
1 litre of water
200 grams of castor sugar
4 pears (Williams)
1/2 lemon
500 grams of vanilla ice cream
150 ml of chocolat sauce
200 ml of crème chantilly
20 grams of toasted flaked almonds


1) Scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean and add the pod to 1 L of water and the sugar. Bring to a boil in a saucepan. Set aside.
2) Peel the pears, apply some lemon to prevent them from turning black.
3) Poach the pear in the syrup for 20 minutes (control the cooking with a paring knife). Cool down the pear in the fridge, conserve them in the poaching syrup.
4) Once cooked, take out the seed from the pears using a tea spoon.
5) For plating, in a glass place first a scoop of ice cream then the pear, pour some hot chocolat sauce, then pipe some Chantilly crème. Finish with some flaked almonds on top.
