Pit Bull’s Dramatic Pose After Being Left with the ‘Spare Human’ Is Truly Tragic

Dogs can break their parents’ hearts when they show a preference for one person over another. The non-favored parent is often called the “Spare Human.” If you’ve experienced this, you know how much it can hurt.

Even though his mother ensures he is fed and cared for daily, it still doesn’t earn her the title of “Chosen Human,” which this funny boy makes abundantly clear. Watch this Pit Bull's priceless pout in a video shared on August 20:

Even though it was only for 15 minutes, Mom thinks they may have been the most difficult of Roscoe’s (@wethreepitties) life. LOL! His face and demeanor are genuinely pitiful watching Dad drive away from the house, and to make matters worse, his side-eye toward Mom only adds to the drama. No matter how much we may do for them, sometimes they like to pick their favorite. But that’s usually just whoever isn’t home at the time. Undoubtedly, this gorgeous Pit Bull loves his mom, even if he might make it seem like dad’s his number one. But knowing this doesn’t ease the sting of these moments.

Related: Pit Bull Adorably Cries with Sadness After Chewing Up Her Favorite Toy

Do Dogs Select a Favorite Person?

According to Elle Vet Sciences, dogs sometimes choose a favorite person in their household. However, that doesn’t mean they don't love other family members. Factors for being the favorite may include:

  1. Temperament. Dogs often form strong bonds with people with similar personalities or energy levels. For instance, a high-energy dog may bond more closely with someone who enjoys taking them on long walks or runs, while a calm dog may prefer someone who is more relaxed and enjoys quiet time.

  2. Routine. If one parent feeds, walks, and cares for them, they may see that person as their primary caregiver and favorite companion.

  3. Attention and affection. If one person rewards them for good behavior and provides enjoyable experiences, they are more likely to develop a preference for that parent.

This theatrical performance amused people. One person joked, “He’s basically a shelter pet for those 15 minutes.” Yes, indeed! Sarah McLachlan singing in the background couldn’t be more fitting. Viewer @thebrightestblue responded, “The side, long glance back at you! Letting you know the deep sadness that is happening.” He wanted to make sure she understood fully. Viewer @rachelmariaofficial remarked, “Will Roscoe survive this betrayal? Find out on the next episode of The Days of Our Lives.” Ha! Perhaps our dramatic pups could star in a daytime soap known as The Dogs of Our Lives.

If we aren’t the chosen human now, that doesn’t mean we won’t be tomorrow. Dogs always ensure fairness, even if the process sometimes hurts our hearts a bit.