Pisces Daily Horoscope – 06 May 2023

Today, Venus moves into your fifth house of fun, where she’ll stay for around four weeks. There nothing that the planet of pleasure, Venus, likes more than enjoying herself. And as she goes through your House Of Fun, having a good time is Number 1 Mission. If you needed some kind of excuse to stop worrying and start indulging, you have it; Venus in this part of your chart means you are almost duty-bound to work less and to spoil and amuse yourself more. This Venus cycle is also good news for singles looking to meet someone, because your fifth house rules romance – of the light-hearted variety. Certainly, if there were ever a time to get out there and shimmy your shui, this is that time. Couples don’t miss out, either. If you don’t find some of the old romance seeping back into your relationship over the next four weeks, it might be time to start talking to each other about your romantic expectations. Romance each other. This transit is also excellent for anyone with issues connected to children (your own or someone else’s) – matter should be more easily negotiated and resolved. Good news really is possible. Ditto if you are working on an artistic or creative project. Your ability should be extra high – now all you need to do is discipline yourself to harness your extra creative ability!
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The post Pisces Daily Horoscope – 06 May 2023 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.