18 Of The Biggest Culture Shocks People Had That May Convince You The World Is Actually Wayyy More Different Than You Think
Visiting a new part of the world can sometimes feel like walking into an entirely new planet. Often, our worldview gets challenged, our knowledge expands, and naturally, we compare the experience to what we know.
I'm an American, but I've been splitting time in Canada, where my partner lives, for the past three years. Culture shocks have hit me more than I imagined — especially in Québec, which already feels like its own little country within Canada. One interesting shock — I feel people here really work to live, not live to work. I felt an immediate calmness here after living in the hustle and bustle of New York City.
They say, "On travaille pour vivre, on ne vit pas pour travailler." Translation: We work to live, we don't live to work.
Also some fun ones: Canadians don't have Venmo. Imagine the confusion when I asked someone, "Can I Venmo you?" They use Interac, which is connected through their banks. It's much easier IMO. And, Canadians don't take your card from you at a restaurant. They bring the reader right to the table. And they split checks with absolutely no issue!
Anyway, I was reminded of all this after coming across this thread on Twitter, which asked: "What is the biggest culture shock you have ever witnessed?"
What is the biggest culture shock you have ever witnessed?
— 𝕯𝖆𝛎𝖎𝐝🧘🏾♂️ (@David_pattt) April 17, 2024
The responses were fascinating — and they came from all over the world (not just North America or Europe)! Here's what everyone had to say:
Tokyo - although there’s 4x more people than NYC, it is VERY quiet there. Nobody is screaming, cars aren’t honking, people aren’t even talking. Just all silence. https://t.co/miUHhgywJG
— marv (@mymarvelouslife) April 18, 2024
I went to Greece. No fast food restaurants and liquor stores on every corner. A beer was $1. All the food I ate was freshly caught. Everybody was in shape, from the young to the old.I thought to myself, America is trying to kill us. https://t.co/2BMGuPB65X
— NUFF (@nuffsaidny) April 18, 2024
In 2009 I was on holiday in Congo. My brother and I bought drinks (I think it was Fanta??) from a small local shop. We paid and walked out. The shop owner ran after us - turns out we were supposed to drink and leave the glass bottles behind because they keep them. We had no idea. https://t.co/FFl06Hevq1
— Waïki Harnais (@WaikiHarnais) April 18, 2024
Nothing has shocked and traumatized me more than ordering Iced tea for the first time in the US as a Canadian. I almost cried https://t.co/GFWZpbfN9i
— Make Oxtail Cheap Again (@simsimmaaz) April 18, 2024
As a 10 year old having just landed in Canada the first time I saw those pedestrian button thingies that made all traffic stop and a crossing guard would accompany the kids to the other side all I could think was “wow they care about kids here” https://t.co/ow8rdQDeqF
— STEM Shady (@merahuelebicho) April 18, 2024
finding out americans wipe with dry tissue and go on with their day https://t.co/IBAel0Rwtg
— THEObr🌞mic (@theobromic_) April 18, 2024
in America, calling the ambulance isn’t free. Actually it cost at least $2000 for a 6 miles drive to the hospital https://t.co/hFLIWSwSpo
— cody (@ThePlatfield) April 17, 2024
A chest x-ray costs north of $400 in the US. It costs about R700 in South Africa https://t.co/orgMjCl8ID
— Tanaka™ (@TanakaSDG) April 17, 2024
As of today, 700 South African Rand (ZAR) is about $36.82 USD.
My First time in India and the culture shock was Intense. The first shock was seeing elephants cows,goats,pigs & chickens all walk among the cars and people on the streets. Which didn't help considering the fact it has some of the worst traffic in the world. https://t.co/NmuVY8oXlG
— 🌻Meenah (@Jabeehah) April 17, 2024
Nordic countries stinginess with food. If you invite them to your house and they bring snacks, don't assume they're yours. They'll pack and leave with everything including opened sodas. https://t.co/GwErORYJpv
— Calypso (@Calypsoforte) April 18, 2024
In DC passing the people who looked like me, Black with locs, cleaning the subway in blue jumpsuits. As soon as I left the subway, I stopped seeing people who looked like me in the fancy buildings. Jamaica allowed me to see Black excellence in all spaces. ❤️ https://t.co/lC6ZeW2lMG
— Jodi-Ann Quarrie (Yoo Need More Jodi) (@yooneedmorejodi) April 18, 2024
While in school in Nigeria, rivalries were open and you knew your enemies. In the UK, guys you just had lunch with will deliberately try to fail you with hard questions and snide remarks in a class presentation that is 40% of the exam. Then they try switch to be pals after class. https://t.co/AgKrjBmKoW
— Osaretin Victor Asemota (@asemota) April 17, 2024
In Nigeria we call medication drugs, when I was schooling in the UK and I went to the pharmacy, I said I’m here to pick up my drugs. You should have seen the look on their faces when I mentioned that 😂 https://t.co/5i8NdvNCpl
— Titilope🐝 (@lopeoflagos) April 17, 2024
My mouth dropped when the tour guide told us that the police there in Iceland don’t carry guns. Just pepper spray & batons. https://t.co/3i2Ec7HO7F
— Camille (@ChitownCamille) April 18, 2024
Moving to Qatar. They are usually ranked at the top if not number 1 for safest country. It was weird adjusting to a place that had no crime and realizing how stressed I didn’t know I was while living in the states. https://t.co/GG1p0hxNvS
— Shukumei (@Suzuki_Bj) April 18, 2024
How ridiculed you’ll be in Europe for wearing sweats or leggings, even just to some place as quick as the market. I’m mainly speaking from my experience in Spain and France https://t.co/IbYD1ZrEqv
— Genie (@lettersfromjuno) April 17, 2024
In Lomé, Togo, people observe road traffic rules without traffic wardens or lights. I had to look around to see if military men were neaby but there was not a single law enforcement personnel in sight. They're just used to it.
— Abby Abi (Ms. Sweet Soul the Writer) (@A_Abby_Abi) April 17, 2024
And lastly:
Have you visited a new country and had a huge culture shock? Let me know in the comments!