People Are Sharing "Basic" Things About Sex That Come As A Surprise To Most Folks, And This Is Better Than Any Sex Ed Class I've Ever Attended

Have you ever wondered if you're overthinking — or perhaps underthinking — this whole sex thing?

"So... that was sex."

Recently, Reddit user u/DOBLEDEDO posted in r/AskReddit: "What are some basic things about having sex that a lot of people don't realize?" and TBH, I think most of us could benefit from stating the not-always-so-obvious obvious.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious, I know."

Here were some of the top answers 😜😜😜:

1."Women are more likely to orgasm from a grinding motion, rather than thrusting in and out."


2."Take a shower. Wash your hands. Brush your teeth. Trim your fingernails."


3."Hooking up is not as clean as they show in movies and TV shows. You don’t go from having sex to getting up, putting on a skirt with no underwear, and getting back to the office."



A woman getting dressed in the mirror

4."If you've got a ✨curve✨, work with it, not against it."


5."When they're close to orgasm, do the same thing that's working! Not something else."


6."Condom sizes matter. Men with bigger members can have a more difficult time with traditional-sized condoms, as they can partially cut off circulation and have a higher chance of breakage. Alternatively, men with smaller members can risk the condom sliding off.”


"Ok, everybody take some rubbers."

7."In my personal opinion and experience, sex is 70% foreplay and 30% actual penetration. Good foreplay can save us guys from worrying about not lasting long enough.”


8."Everyone has different needs and desires, and just because you're satisfied doesn't mean they are."


9."A long time isn't always good."


A woman holding a sign that says, "Wrap it up"

10."A lot of people don't actually like or are ready to do many of the things that are standard in porn. I'm not talking about unrealistic scenarios, but actual sex acts and positions."



11."Always move stuff from the bed that is a pain in the ass to wash. I’ve ruined the mood before by not wanting to wash and dry a king-size comforter that was washed recently."


Two men in bed together

12."Sex is nothing like porn. It's awkward, a lot of 'famous' positions can be uncomfortable, some people are really quiet. Beds are squeaky. Animals will jump up on the bed. There will be weird smells and sounds. Laughing is okay."


13."Sex can sometimes create an inflated and artificial sense of attachment."


14."Queefs happen, and it's really hard not to laugh at them."


Ryan Gosling laughing

15."Harder and faster are not the same thing."


16."You have to clean up afterwards."


17."Just because your last partner liked how you did it, your next might not. All people are different."


"Very true"

18.And finally: "Don’t forget about ✨aftercare✨. Cuddle and have a talk."


Answers have been edited for length and/or clarity.