People Are Roasting Kristi Noem For Her Immigration Raid Costume

Kristi Noem is the newly appointed Homeland Security Secretary.

Kristi Noem with long, wavy hair is raising their right hand, wearing a dark blazer with a lapel pin in a formal setting
Eric Thayer / Getty Images

The former governor of South Dakota traveled to New York City to oversee and publicize federal immigration raids, including the arrest of a Venezuelan gang member.

Kristi Noem, in a dress at the event, was surrounded by people, including a man in military uniform. American flag backdrop partially visible
Bloomberg / Bloomberg via Getty Images

She told CBS News, "This is our nation's law enforcement — judicial process. The scales of justice are equally applied to everybody. We want transparency on this. I believe that this is an accountability measure."

People being escorted by law enforcement officers, including one in a "Police HSI" jacket, with accompanying text about arrests

Kristi posted a video before the raids, and people have a lot of things to say about it!

A person in tactical gear and a cap stands in a city alley. The gear reads "POLICE ICE". Text mentions cleaning streets at 7 AM in NYC

Mainly, people are calling what she's wearing a "costume."

Tweet criticizing Secretary Kristi Noem's attire, suggesting it's theatrical. Shows Noem in a vest and cap labeled "POLICE ICE."

"costume department in the Trump admin is going off with this one," one person said.

Tweet of a woman in NYC wearing a hat and body armor labeled "POLICE ICE," with caption joking about "costume department" in the Trump administration

"elect a cheap reality TV president, get a cheap reality TV government," another person said.

Tweet showing video by Kristi Noem wearing police gear stating, "7 AM in NYC. Getting the dirt bags off the streets."

And this person said, point-blank, "Go to work and do your job. It's 7AM."

A social media post shows a tweet from Secretary Kristi Noem with a video clip of her wearing a police vest and cap, stating it's 7 AM in NYC

Then, there are the jokes.

A person with long hair wearing a police ice vest is in an outdoor setting. A tweet discusses actions in NYC

"NYC ComicCon off to a great start," this person said.

Tweet with a video of a person wearing a police vest, captioned about cleaning NYC streets

"Looks like she's about to get into a fist fight over a parking space at the Staten Island Mall," another person joked.

Tweet of a woman in a police vest stating, "7 AM in NYC. Getting the dirt bags off the streets." Comment suggests she looks confrontational

And this person said, "Better hope she doesn't get sent out with animal control agents!"

Tweet depicts a video clip of a person wearing a "Police ICE" vest. Caption references getting "dirt bags" off NYC streets


Person gesturing with animated expressions. Text reads: "I need peace in my heart, I need it now."