23 Non-Physical Things People Do That Are Immediate Icks No Matter How Attractive The Person Is
As many of us have learned by now, just because someone is conventionally hot does not make them attractive. So it comes as little surprise that Redditor @Defiant_River_957's question, "What's a non-physical quality that can make someone instantly unattractive, no matter how good they look?" garnered so many passionate responses. Here are some standouts:
Edit: Responses have been edited for length, clarity, and adherence to BuzzFeed's style guide.
1."I broke it off with a smokin' hot Latin American lawyer with millions of dollars, his own vineyard, and excellent bedroom skills because he snapped his fingers at a waitress in a busy-ass bar. Instant, incurable ick."
2."Sooo many people are like this, and eventually I end up feeling used: I've recently been telling stories about myself the way these people do to me, but they literally don't care. It's been eye-opening how much I put in for them and how little they put in for me."
3."First: Scared to get messy eating ribs on the first date. That's a deal breaker. I don't need that negativity in my life. Second: Lacking self-confidence."
4."Being ungrateful. There are millions of people on Earth who are just trying to stay alive, but Bradley over here is ungrateful that his parents bought the wrong iPhone. 😑😒"
5."The other day, I saw a hot guy in a casual cafeteria-style restaurant. He had taken off his shoes and was sitting with his stocking feet on the seat. Big nope."
6."Having a nasty personality. I just went on a date with a guy that pulled out his dating app and showed me pictures of other women on there while he made fun of them. He's a prosecutor. Did not go on another date with him."
7."That sense of entitlement they have therefore they need make no effort because they're fit and they know it."
8."Everyone's gonna say being rude or aggressive, but [the] next tier down I think is being a social sponge. Like if I have to lead the entire conversation and all I get are non-committal answers and no questions back...instant bin."
9."Honestly, if someone's a walking red flag with toxic vibes, it doesn't matter how hot they are — instant turn-off. [This includes] if they're fake as hell, constantly lying, or flexing about stuff they don't have."
10."Arrogance can be hot sometimes, but unearned arrogance never is."
11."Spitting. You're not cool, and you are making the world uglier than it was before you arrived. You are disgusting and an idiot."
12."Being condescending. Doesn't matter how attractive you are — if you talk down to people like you're better than them, it's game over."
13."Judging people for hobbies that are thought to be out of their age group. I'm in my mid-30s, and I collect Pokémon cards, watch anime, play video games, etc. Many people would say there's nothing wrong with that, and many would think I have an arrested development. My wife is cool with it, though. That's all that matters to me."
14."Wanting to know what you do for work when they literally just meet you. Even more so if they want to know what you do for work before they know your name or what your actual interests are."
15."Noisy eaters, chewing with their mouths open. Gotta walk away."
16."Ending every, or every other sentence, with the filler word: 'Right?'"
17."If you are cruel to animals, or beggars, or people with a disability, you are extremely unattractive."
18."Rudeness, an unwillingness to learn & grow, an inability to participate in [a] very basic conversation. The amount of idiots on dating apps, social media, and even IRL that actually have said, 'I hate small talk,' yet their conversation is still on a 4th-grade level. Ick."
19."Always on their phone when they are in a social situation."
20."Being a negative person all the time. A 'woe is me' attitude is so irritating."
21."Self-identifying as an Alpha male."
22."I was walking down the street with an ex, and we walked by a person who is homeless on the sidewalk. She said something really disgusting. That's when I knew."
23.Finally, "I'm not judgemental about nice people. But when someone shows me they are judgemental and mean about others, that they think they are better than others, I judge the [hell] out of them. Like who do you think you are to judge people like that?"
What do you make of these non-physical icks? More importantly, what would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!