Mother responds to child’s teacher over comments about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ lunch foods

A mother has responded to her child’s teacher after they attempted to tell the three year old what order she should eat her lunch.

The mother took to TikTok, under the username which is the name of her baby and toddler product business, to share a note that she left for the teacher to specify that her child can eat her lunch however she wants.

She explained the context of the note in the video’s caption. “My three year old came home from school yesterday, telling me that her teacher told her that she had to eat all of her ‘good’ foods before she ate her ‘bad’ foods. She couldn’t have her cookie before eating her sandwich and cucumbers,” the mother wrote.

After her daughter told her about the interaction, she responded with: “Well that’s silly. There are no good foods or bad foods. Food is just food!”


Throughout her own life, this was not the relationship she was able to have with food and she wanted to make sure that she did not pass along her old thought pattern onto her own children.

“Three years old. At three years old someone has told her that foods are good or bad. I am so proud that she had sensed something was off - to know that was not right enough to tell me about it,” the caption continued.

“We talk about it all the time at home… If you only eat carrots or broccoli your body won’t have protein it needs to grow strong muscles. If you only eat chicken, your body won’t have enough energy to do things like run and play all day long. We need little bits of everything to make sure that we are able to learn and play and grow all day long.”

In her video there is text across the screen that reads: “Feeling grateful for those who have given me the knowledge and confidence to write this note to my three-year-old’s preschool teacher.”


The clip shows the mother placing the note in her daughter’s lunch box, which reads: “Hi! Evelyn has our permission to eat lunch in any order she chooses. None of her foods are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – they are just food!”

This isn’t the only time a mother has spoken out on the platform about her parenting methods.

A mother has recently been praised online after she was “overwhelmed” by her daughter’s messy playroom, but offered some perspective instead.

In a viral video posted to TikTok, mother of three Bri Knavel shared footage of her daughter’s many toys sprawled out on the carpeted floor. The clip showed how Knavel’s daughter had positioned each of her Barbie dolls in various playsets throughout the room.

As she filmed the video at her child’s eye level, Knavel explained that this allowed her to truly see how “beautiful” her daughter’s imagination really was. “It looks like a big mess until you get down to their level, then you see their childhood,” she wrote over the video.

“Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with the ‘mess’ when I slow down to really see what’s in front of me,” Knavel captioned the clip. “Then I see it’s their childhood and it’s beautiful.”