How Molly Ringwald Got in Oscar Shape after Twins

What's Molly Ringwald's body-after-twins secret?

"I try to make sure that I eat something green," she said on Tuesday, March 9, at Ragu's Recipe for a Good Start program kickoff in New York. "I think that's just a really good rule of thumb. I love all different kinds of vegetables, but the green ones are generally the best for you and the best for your diet."

Ringwald, 42, stepped out on the Oscar red carpet and stage in a purple Todd Thomas dress over the weekend - eight months after delivering daughter Adele Georgiana and son Roman Stylianos.

When the twins were 6-weeks-old, the star of Fox8's The Secret Life of the American Teenager began getting back in shape, focusing on moderation.

"Just dieting basically," she says, "and it wasn't even like a really strict diet. It was more just a sensible diet, cutting down on sweets and upping the vegetables and protein, less starch, and I just worked out a lot, I'd say about three or four times a week."


In April, 2009.