Millie Bobby Brown looks unrecognisable with a peroxide blonde bob

While I like to believe celebrities are a lot like us (read: regular normies), they do encounter situations one could only dream of. Red carpet struts, paparazzi swarms and ofc, fan fiascos. And so, due to the likelihood of the latter, Millie Bobby Brown disguised herself when stepping out in public recently.

Just short of 24 hours ago, the Stranger Things actor shared a carousel post on Instagram. Dubbing her 'dump' "crunchy leaf season," Mills shared a collection of snaps from her recent autumn antics, which included a trip to the drugstore where she was shown shopping her brand new florencebymills perfume, Wildly Me. Relatable, much?

But confessions of a shopaholic aside, what struck us about the pic was not what she added to basket but instead, it was her hairstyle. I mean, Millie's trademark brunette locks are nowhere to be seen and in replacement, she's giving us a chin-length peroxide bob.

Scroll through to the fourth slide to see said bob:

IDK about you but we think she looks pretty unrecognisable! Plus the cap and sunglasses do help – leading us to believe that she intentionally wanted to go unnoticed. Job well done, in that case, Mills.

Now, having said that, we have to speculate that this 'do is most probably a wig. After all, the star is sporting her darker tresses in the previous and succeeding photos in the carousel. Though, regardless, there's no denying that Millie can pull off just about any hair colour.

Paris Hilton at Disneyland, eat ya heart out!

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