Amy Schumer And Jennifer Lawrence Are On The Summer Holiday Of Your Dreams

Your two fantasy best friends – Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence of course – are not only BFFs in real life, but are also on a dream summer holiday together. Right now.

AMy Schumer and Jennifer LAwrence Are on the summer holiday of your dreams
AMy Schumer and Jennifer LAwrence Are on the summer holiday of your dreams

PHOTO: "Jlaw #maniac" @AmySchumer

The pair became friends only recently, when Lawrence told a reporter at the San Diego ComicCon that she thought Schumer would make an excellent bachelorette. The comedian tweeted about the interview and, thus, the world’s best BFF relationship was born.

Not only that, but the pair – which we will now dub the dynamic duo – is currently on the summer holiday of your dreams right now, jet skiing their way around a sun-drenched beachside location with eight other women, a few inflatable pool toys and at least one selfie stick.

Amy shcumer and jennifer lawrence are on the summer holiday of your dreams
Amy shcumer and jennifer lawrence are on the summer holiday of your dreams

Photo: @Amyschumer

Jealous, us? Well, maybe a little.


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