Your Horoscopes for 2016: Scorpio

Your Horoscopes for 2016: Scorpio. Illustration by Ann Do

You're strong and often quite silent compared to others, deep and profound. You also have the reputation of being very sexy.


The good, the bad and the Scorpio: You can hold a grudge longer than any other sign, but you know what, life really is too jolly short. Get over it!

Try this, for the good of your soul: Think of someone you have fallen out with and call them up and say sorry and move on. Do it.

How to spot a Scorpio in a crowd: They'll be dressed in black, lurking in the background, watching what is going on from afar. Or they might be dirty dancing.

How to woo a Scorpio: You don't woo a Scorpio. A Scorpio woos you.

In matters of the heart and the bedroom: Scorpios love so passionately, it's as though they invented it. They will take you to emotional places you have never been before, if you let them.


Times have changed. 2016 finds you in a super sociable cycle – you're arguably the most popular sign of the zodiac. Work on your self-esteem - get that right, the rest of your life will benefit. Overall, it's still up to you to believe that life can be magical and then it will be. This is not just a platitude, it's related to having powerful Pluto in your Mind Zone. Your thoughts are extra powerful.

Your affirmation for the year: That was then, this is now. Let's party!

Your motto/motivational quote for the year: "We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves." ― Malcolm X (Minister)

The best time of the year for you to change your life: Now. You need to slough off the past. Your life has changed so dramatically in the past few years and it's important to make sure you're moving with the times. The landscape of your astrology chart is unrecognisable. You should have way less to worry about and way more to celebrate.

When it comes to love in 2016: You have the right stars to have a heavenly time romantically this year. If you've been hurt in the past, healing planetoid Chiron is on hand to help you work through any emotional damage. Talking things through (not necessarily with the person who hurt you!) is highly recommended under this transit.

Best time of the year for love, romance and relationships: If you're being realistic about the person you're involved with, May and June look promising. If you're kidding yourself, watch out! May could bring a former lover back into your life, too.

Best time to make money: All year but avoid get-rich-quick scheme, or 2016 could prove rather disappointing. Far better to develop a bullet-proof strategy.

Best time to find new work: July and August look very good for finding new work, thanks to the New Moon, abundant Venus and communicative Mars in your Career Zone.

You also need to know that: 2016 brings you a chance to really start to believe in yourself and what you have to offer. Use it to blast away any self-doubt you developed in the past. Work with a mentor, coach or counsellor if that's what it takes.

Best tips for staying well: You have to go with the flow. The more you try to cling to rigid routines and unchangeable timetables, the more pressure you will put on yourself.

Power dates: March 16, April 18, June 30, November 24, December 2

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