Your Horoscopes for 2016: Virgo

Your Horoscopes for 2016: Virgo. Illustration by Ann Do

You're honest, true, modest and hard-working. You're a gem to have around the office and you're also wonderful to have at home.


The good, the bad and the Virgo: Some people call you finicky or overly critical. We're going to call you hyper-observant.

'''Try this, for the good of your soul:v When you see dust on someone's table/mantelpiece/wherever, resist the urge to run your finger over it. Just don't.

How to spot a Virgo in a crowd: They're picking up after everyone and tending those in need of assistance.

How to woo a Virgo: Shower a lot, serve clean eating-style food, let them take care of you.

In matters of the heart and the bedroom: Virgos love to serve and that includes making their partner happy in the bedroom. They're also as loyal as the day is long. Win/win.


'''A potentially very lucky year. You have the planet of expansion and fun, adventure and plenty, aka Jupiter, in your sign from January to September. This widens your options and makes it easier for you to stop being so hard on yourself and to start having more fun. Think of life as a game this year – that attitude will be life-changing.

Your affirmation for the year: I know that I am blessed.

Your motto/motivational quote for the year: "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity" Seneca (Roman philosopher)

The best time of the year for you to change your life: September when lucky planet leaves your sign and moves into your Self-Esteem Zone. That will help you to believe in yourself. You're good at running around and making sure everyone else is allright. But from September this year, you have a 12 month opportunity to love yourself more.

When it comes to love in 2016: You're lucky in life for most of 2016, and that means being lucky in love as well. In fact, of all the signs, you're arguably the one most likely to already be with or to be ready to meet a true soulmate to share your life with.

Best time of the year for love, romance and relationships: Mid-June and mid-September will be useful to you romance wise. There are planetary clashes which are going to allow you to take off the rose-coloured glasses and to see your beloved or ex or potential beloved for who and what they really are. All the better to love them more … or to move on, if things are too disappointing.

Best time to make money: Jupiter's move into your 2nd House in September will give you the biggest financial boost you've had for more than five years. However be careful because Jupiter is excessive - don't blow your budget.

Best time to find new work: Expect opportunities coming your way all of January to September. Keep your eyes open for them. You have earned all the chances coming your way.

You also need to know that: 2016 brings you a chance to make a solid and secure home for yourself. Make long term plans connected to home and family. Be mature when dealing with recalcitrant family members and/or flatmates.

Best tips for staying well: The number 1 thing a Virgo can do for their health this year or any year is to worry less.

Power dates: March 17, March 23, June 18, September 10, November 20

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