Your Horoscopes for 2016: Gemini

Your Horoscopes for 2016: Gemini. Illustration by Ann Do

You're the quicksilver of the zodiac, able to have three conversations at once and still be hatching ideas with one half of your brain and reading a book with the other.


The good, the bad and the Gemini: You're mentally agile and can flit about socially, but avoid letting yourself become superficial. Superficial? You? Yes, possibly!

Try this, for the good of your soul: Sitting on a piece of gossip, not telling a soul.

How to spot a Gemini in a crowd: They're chatting everyone up, interested and interesting but with one eye out for who else has just walked into the room.

How to woo a Gemini: Read to him or her – a novel or poetry will both be good, write love notes, take them travelling, flirt heavily.

In matters of the heart and the bedroom: Geminis need mental stimulation as much or more than they need anything else stimulated. Their brain is an erogenous zone.


The big headline for you is that you have serious Saturn in your opposite sign throughout 2016. This affects your whole life. You have to work harder and longer than you have done in ages. Your lover or ex could be rather more demanding than usual. Lots of very important life lessons will be coming your way from your relationships this year. Pay attention!

Your affirmation for the year: The harder I work now, the happier I will be later.

Your motto/motivational quote for the year: "It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving" ― Mother Teresa (Nobel Peace Prize winner)

The best time of the year for you to change your life: The end of December. Your hard work will be paying off and you should feel a real sense of getting somewhere at last.

When it comes to love in 2016: This year starts well but overall could be rather challenging relationship-wise. You and your partner can make it, but there are obstacles to get around. Every issue that comes up with your lover or ex has a lesson to teach you.

Best time of the year for love, romance and relationships: The end of the year looks best. Knuckle down, be as reliable and loving as you can be, do what you said you were going to do, and the Love Gods will smile on you at year's end.

Best time to make money: All year! There is an upside to Saturn taunting you. Saturn will help you to get serious about cash. Formulate ideas and long term plans. Financial stability is beckoning to Geminis willing the make the effort.

'''Best time to find new work:v March looks good professionally. Even though this year is a lot about hard work, there is nothing to say you shouldn't enjoy it. In fact, if you're not uplifted by your professional efforts, it's a great year to find a different job.

You also need to know that: The way to success for you this year is through consistent applied effort. However you also need to look after yourself, so schedule in time you, make the most of your weekend and treat yourself to the odd spa day or at least a massage swap with your partner or a friend.

Best tips for staying well: See above. October and November are ideal for rebooting your well-being regimes if you have fallen off the wagon.

Power dates: March 25, June 18, August 13, September 10, December 25

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