Your Horoscopes for 2016: Aries

Your Horoscopes for 2016: Aries. Illustration by Ann Do

As you probably already know, you're the firecracker of the zodiac. You speed through life taking no prisoners. Watch out world, here you come!


The good the bad and the Aries: You love coming first and have a very healthy sense of competition. However you need to make sure you don't allow that to spill over into plain selfishness.

Try this, for the good of your soul: Stand in a doorway in a shopping centre and let people go through before you, saying "Oh no, no, no, after you!"

How to spot an Aries in a crowd: They're the ones going hardest and fastest, red-faced from exertion of some kind, pushing to the front if the crowd and generally livening things up.

How to woo an Aries: Take them bungee jumping.

In matters of the heart and the bedroom: Aries folk are quick to fall in love. Ruled by the sex planet Mars, they're usually pretty hot to trot once they've found you, too…


You have pretty amazing love stars this year. So whether you're single and looking or already attached, pay attention to what's going on for you romantically. Do things right and 2016 could be one of your best years for love for the past ten years. If you're single and not looking, you can still expect some brilliant times with the VIPs in your life, including professional success through partnership.

Your affirmation for the year: I deserve to have a good time – so here I go!

Your motto/motivational quote for the year: "If you go looking for love you won’t find it because love is never lost; only we are lost." - Shannon L. Alder (Writer)

The best time of the year for you to change your life: The end of March so decide what you want beforehand and set your intentions.

When it comes to love in 2016: An optimistic attitude to the important people in your life will be key to relationship success this year, including when dealing with important people in your working life.

Best time of the year for love, romance and relationships: September sees the arrival of lucky Jupiter in your Love Zone, for the first time in over a decade. Good relationships get better, bad ones may well blow apart, singles find their love options open right up.

Best time to make money: May looks good. A great time to reset your business plan, reconsider your financial strategies and/or launch a new venture.

Best time to find new work: The whole year is pretty powerful for you professionally. Peak times are March and June. Very positive change is possible.

You also need to know that: Mid-July brings you a brilliant chance to start all over again when it comes to all matters domestic and familial, including if you want to move house (or town or country). Lay down plans or take action. Ditto if you want to make up with someone in your family you've fallen out with.

Best tips for staying well: You should be in great health between January and September in particular. However be careful not to overdo it on the exerciser front or at work. You don't want to get burned out.

Power dates: March 17, March 23, June 26, September 9, December 27.

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