Women In Top Jobs Drink “Twice As Much”
It seems the Sex and The City lifestyle might actually be reality for some female executives, with a new report by the UK Office Of Statistics revealing that women in stressful positions drink almost “twice as much” as women in lower paying jobs.
Referring to the findings as a “problematic cocktail and business card culture,” Shadow Health Minister Diane Abbott said that although it was “good” to see women out in the workforce and enjoying a social life in pubs and bars, women’s drinking patterns have changed in a generation, reflecting a “silent, middle class epidemic”.
“The problem is not just young 'ladettes'”, explained Abbott.
According to the research, women in management positions are drinking a bottle of wine a week (11.2 units) versus 6.2 units for women in lower paid jobs, a discrepancy thought to reflect stress levels rather than monetary levels.
“Women today may lead more stressful lives, often trying to juggle work and family responsibilities,” says drugalcohol.info. “Over the past 40 years, a steady increase in the number of women participating in the workforce has led to greater numbers of independent women with more disposable income. Drinking may be used to cope with anxiety.”
Do you think there is a cocktail and business card culture in Australia?