MAFS' Tahnee Cook gets ready for her first Logies red carpet

Married At First Sight season 10 star Tahnee Cook gets ready for the 63rd TV WEEK Logie Awards with Yahoo Australia.

Video transcript

TAHNEE COOK: Hello. I'm Tahnee. And we're getting ready with Yahoo for the Logies. Come on in. So I'm just about to do my hair and makeup, feeling very fresh-faced. This is my first proper Logies. I've actually been to Logies before. I went in 2012 to see One Direction. I won tickets.

So it's my second Logies, actually, but first Logies red carpet. I wonder who that is at the door. Hello. It's my husband. Last minute haircut and picked up some shoes, typical in Ollie fashion. You got random hairs all over. You even got a hair in your teeth. What's that?

OLLIE SKELTON: It's an everyday occurrence, yeah.

TAHNEE COOK: My first Logies was in 2012. And I had won tickets to see One Direction's performance. Me and my sister and my dad flew down. That was when the Logies was in Melbourne. And that performance was just epic. But yeah, this is my first Logies being invited, which is so weird.

I have met all of them but Harry, which is pretty heartbreaking, my favorite. They're all really, really lovely, friendly guys, just so I don't know, I feel like it's one of those things that you don't want to meet like people you admire and stuff, but they're just so, they're just so normal. I feel like we don't-- I mean, obviously we'll be nowhere as like huge as One Direction. I don't think anyone ever will be.

But I think any time we've had like interactions with people in public, everyone is so, so nice and just really friendly. I feel like people think they know us and they're friends with us. So it's always like a really pleasant, pleasant interaction. It's nice knowing that people like watching you for you and really enjoyed watching personality.

It's different than being like an actress where you're playing, you're playing a role and it's not who you are. But being on like a reality show, that's your self. So they like you for you. I mean, I think people expect you to be there living this like crazy celebrity lifestyle, which just isn't very realistic.

I think people expect you to be, I mean, I'm saying that as I'm, literally, getting ready for the Logies, LOL. But I think people expect you to be doing a lot more and going on more TV shows, doing all this. But yeah, it's not as common as people think. You got to be a very, you've got to be a very likeable person. You've got to be quite successful in what you do. And it's not as easy as people think.

I think there's a misconception of people being like, oh, you're going to go on MAFS. You can have a lot of followers. It's going to be amazing. But you have to work hard. Ollie and I work really, really hard with the brand work we do, with our podcasts, with just our full time job, still, that we have. We're quite hard-working people. And I think misconceptions would be people coming on to a show being like, yep, it's going to be amazing to me. I'm going to take off and never have to work a day in my life again.

And that's just not really true. I did the pink super last minute. I was contemplating, because I'm wearing pink, I was like, is it too much pink? I don't know. And then I was with my hairdresser, Jess, and we're like, do we do it? Mind you, she is currently with pink hair. She's like, I'm not the best person to ask.

And I was like, yeah, let's just do like a really light, like a light pink. So I was like, OK, let's do it. I've done my hair, sort of like this is, I can't even tell you how many times I've done my hair pink. I've had pink. I've had peach, yellow, purple. I haven't had blue. I feel like blues, they wash out not very nice, so I avoid blues and greens.

But yeah, purple and pink are just so, so, so good. So the one thing I would change about my experience on MAFS would be my wedding hair. It just was very, it just wouldn't be how I would usually do my hair. I think it was set too long, so I had too much hairspray. And my hair grabs really well to product, so it just, it stays. And it was like Shirley Temple curls, at one point.

Because you'll see like one scene it's like a different curl. And then like we straighten the bottom bits. So it was fine. In some angles it looks cute and some it doesn't look that amazing. And you know, what the only hate I received on MAFS was how bad my wedding hair and my flowers were. That's the only time I think I received hate messages, which is honestly like so nothing.

But it was like, those flowers are disgusting. They are not wedding flowers, which they were fine. I thought they were like cute. I am really excited to see everyone. It's weird. The only time we were together was like reunion, I think. So it's going to be cool seeing everyone all dressed up and having a fun time, but yeah, very excited. OK, hair and makeup is done. I'm going to put on my dress. And I'll see you guys on the red carpet. Thanks for getting ready with me, Yahoo. Time to go to the ladies.