AI Predicted What Donald Trump Would Look Like In Key Moments Throughout History, And These Images Are Cracking Me Up

Donald Trump is constantly in the news for making history for all of the wrong reasons. So, with the help of some AI, an Instagram account called @trumphistory45 created some faux images of him during other key moments in history that are sure to give you a laugh. Let's get into it:

Donald Trump giving a speech
Melissa Sue Gerrits / Getty Images

1.Here he is in the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC).

Trump as an ancient soldier

2.Here's Trump during the Viking Age (793 AD).

Trump as a viking

3.Here he is painting with Leonardo Da Vinci (1498).

Trump creating art with Leonardo Da Vinci

4.Here he is digging for gold during the California Gold Rush (1840s).

Trump sifting for gold
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

5.Here's Trump aboard the Titanic (1912).

Trump aboard the Titanic
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

6.Here he is studying with Albert Einstein (1922).

Trump doing math with Albert Einstein
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

7.Here he is inventing sliced bread (1928).

Trump slicing bread
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

8.Here's Trump competing as a sprinter in the Olympics (1936).

Trump running on a track
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

9.Here he is on the set of the movie Rio Bravo with John Wayne (1950s).

Trump posing in the desert with John Wayne
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

10.Here he is performing with Elvis (1950s).

Trump singing with Elvis
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

11.Here's Trump in the jungle during the Vietnam War (1969).

Trump hiding in the grass with a gun
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

12.Here he is studying chimpanzees with Jane Goodall (1960s).

Trump surrounded by chimpanzees
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

13.Here's Trump dancing with a young Michael Jackson (1968).

Trump holding a young Michael Jackson's hand
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

14.Here he is before taking off on the Apollo 11 rocket to the moon (1969).

Trump in a space suit
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

15.Here's Trump singing with Bob Marley (1970s).

Trump singing with Bob Marley
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

16.Here's Trump skateboarding with a young Tony Hawk (1970s).

Trump skateboarding with young Tony Hawk
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

17.Here he is knocking down the Berlin Wall (1989).

Trump knocking down Berlin Wall
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

18.Here he is on the sidelines with Nick Saban as he coaches the Alabama Crimson Tide to their championship win (2020).

Trump standing next to Nick Saban
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

19.Here's Trump joining Taylor Swift on her Eras Tour (2023).

Trump playing guitar and singing with Taylor Swift
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

20.And finally, here's Trump introducing himself to one of the aliens (2023).

Trump shaking hands with an alien
@Trump_History45 via Twitter

Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

You can keep up with @Trump_History45 on Twitter and Instagram.