Libra Daily Horoscope – 25 January 2023

Today sees the lucky planet Jupiter being triggered by the Sun – so there are good times in the air. Here’s where Jupiter is for you, between now and May.
Rejoice and be glad! The planet of good luck and good times, Jupiter, is in your Love Zone –  and if you think that sounds promising, you’re darned right it is! Jupiter here is a fine indicator of marriage, actually, so if you think you’re headed that way, watch out, you could be walking up the aisle before this cycle is done! Jupiter here will also give singles more options. And all over, Jupiter in this part of your chart is going to bring some much-needed levity into your life. Just don’t get over blown expectations about love “” an easy trap to fall into! Stay realistic.
Want to know how to make Moon Magic? Yasmin’s Masterclass about this will be available for 6 more days – watch it here!

The post Libra Daily Horoscope – 25 January 2023 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.