There’s A Science Behind Why You Want To Squeeze Cute Puppies

If, like us, you're not immune to the cuteness of puppies, don't worry, you're certainly not alone - and there is an explanation as to why you turn into a crumbling mess around them.

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According to science, our reaction to all things cute can actually be attributed to the fine line between affection and aggression.

Yep, the reason you just want to squeeze the life out of that adorable puppy is because you have what's known as "cute aggression" - ie, a secondary, negative response may be trying to counteract the out-of-control positive one.

Case in point: participants in a Yale University study were asked to hold bubblewrap while watching a slideshow of cute animals.

When the cute animals popped onto the screen, the participants popped their bubbles at an alarming rate, indicating to scientists that both negative and positive emotions were present in the brain.

As explained by, this feeling is amplified when the cute animals in question aren't physically accessible.

"The same effect applies to pictures of babies, with further studies indicating that the younger and cuter the babies look, the greater the urge of the participants to experience both a positive emotion - explaining how they want to look after it - and an aggressive feeling, describing the urge to want to pinch its cheeks."

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So next time you go gaga over a baby or puppy, just remember, science says you're totally normal.