Libra Daily Horoscope – 29 April 2023

Coming right up , in about 1 weeks time, is a Full Moon eclipse which is going to straddle your second an eighth houses. These are the two parts of your chart concerned with money. In other words, there is a turning point coming for you financially. If even just the thought of money alarms you at the moment, take this forecast as your early warning signal; It’s time for you to get your financial ducks in a row. As much as it might be nice to think we can wish to win the lottery and all that money is just going to rain down on us, normally it takes a bit more planning to get into a financially abundant space. Now is a great time for you to think about what it’s going to take to bring in the money you need.
Even the most extraordinary individuals face difficult times. Remember there is always hope and a way forward. Our Eclipse Essentials mini-guide will assist you in navigating through any rough patches. Keep shining and never give up, you’ve got this! Download the free mini-guide here.

The post Libra Daily Horoscope – 29 April 2023 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.