What's in store for Leos in 2025? Your horoscope predictions explained

Want to know what's in store for your star sign for 2025? For Leos, fingers crossed that dreams come true in your career and financial realm! This might all start to unfold this spring with an unexpected sign or omen that triggers a major fresh start. Don’t give up on flagging relationships, put the work in to repair them. Be wary of people in your circle who might be jealous of your success and charisma. Protect your space.

Leo career and finance predictions – The Star

Time to dream big, Leo. The Star is the tarot’s dream come true card. Why stay somewhere you’re not fulfilled? Why ‘settle’? Life is short and we’re here to experience everything and find our niche, and fulfil our value. From February onwards, start putting your career or financial futures dream in motion. Visualise the results, believe in your merit, take overt steps every day, and the universe will bring you what you wish for in 2025.

Leo love and relationship predictions – Nine of Wands

Don’t give up on what feel like troubled, frayed, or fractured relationships in 2025. Things aren’t as bleak as they seem. What often happens when we start to disconnect from someone is we ‘fill the gaps’ in what would have been dialogue or experience with our own interpretations (which are often wrong). Nip things in the bud. Jump back in and talk it through. Tackle issues head on. You can fix what seems broken. You can make more of what you already have. Look out for other Fire signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) in romance.


Leo friendship predictions – Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords has tricky energy, and you do find your friendship circle a tricky place sometimes. You're a naturally outgoing and attractive person who draws attention, but not all of it is positive. Jealousy is no stranger to you. Be more observant of people in your realm who don’t follow through their words with actions, who don’t root for you when they should, and who you feel a weird vibe from. Notice it. Act on it. Be more discerning.

Leo signs to look out for – The Fool

Springtime is big for you - maybe linked to your career or finances. The Fool asks you to look out for new ideas, channels, opportunities, trips or even technology around this time. Something radical, unexpected, and fresh will crop up and you will, unexpectedly. Say YES to it, and it will unleash a chain of events leading to a fresh start. Notice feelings of sheer excitement or exuberance in your aura and pay close attention to whatever they seem linked or triggered by.


For your own personal 2025 tarot reading via email, visit Kerry's TarotBella page

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