Leo Daily Horoscope – 25 April 2024

For you Mercury retrograde this time around is taking place in your Ninth House Of Travel and Philosophy. This really can be a life-changing cycle. Of course, it won’t be for everyone but if you’re open to having your Outlook On Life broadened, now is the time to do it. Read more, talk more, entertain ideas you’ve never entertained before. Take something you’ve been cynical about in the past and give it another round of serious consideration. Just because you’ve believed X for years and years (a) doesn’t mean it’s right and (b) doesn’t mean that belief can’t evolve or even totally change. The part of your chart being stimulated by this Mercury reverse cycle challenges you to open your eyes to something you have not wanted to see. On a less dramatic note, if you’re about to do a study course or go travelling, you’re one of the signs that really needs to make sure all the details are nailed down. If you’re on a schedule where you’re not able to cope with side trips and unexpected reading lists (for example) you might need to reconsider than schedule. But that’s just details. This cycle is so much bigger than that for you. It’s like life is about to become one big Self-Improvement Course for you – the question is, do you have the courage to really grow? Because that does undeniably take courage. Tapdance outside your comfort zone.
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The post Leo Daily Horoscope – 25 April 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.