Learn the 10 Key Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration (and How to Fight It)

Studies show that 75 percent of Americans fail to meet their daily intake of fluids, which can lead to chronic dehydration. This condition can be blamed for many ailments like kidney stones, constipation, liver problems, weight gain, blood pressures problems, joint and muscle damage, premature aging and gastritis or stomach ulcers to name a few. According to Sanjay Gupta, M.D., a neurosurgeon, CNN chief medical correspondent, people who have just 2 percent dehydration may experience cognitive decline.

Sometimes, it’s easy to miss the 10 signs of dehydration, so here are a few helpful suggestions to recognize the symptoms of even mild dehydration. Catch it early, before you or someone you love gets into trouble.

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7 Common Signs of Dehydration

  1. Increased thirst and/or a dry mouth

  2. Muscle cramps

  3. Fatigue and/or sleepiness

  4. Headache

  5. Decreased urine output and/or a darker-colored urine

  6. Dizziness and/or feeling faint

  7. Dry skin (Pinch a fold of skin together on the back of your hand; if it doesn’t flatten back out within a few seconds, you are probably dehydrated.)


Dehydration occurs when you lose large amounts of fluids through sweating, exercise or illness. Hikers know to carry plenty of water with them, especially in arid environments where they can’t always tell how much fluid their bodies are losing through evaporation. Anytime you are outdoors, either working or playing, it’s important to rehydrate with appropriate liquids often.

Dr. Gupta shares: “The brain is not very good at distinguishing thirst and hunger. As a result, the tendency is for people to walk around dehydrated and overstuffed.” Knowing the signs and symptoms of dehydration can help prevent moderate and severe dehydration. Research shows that thirst is a major sign of a deficit, but only staying hydrated and drinking enough water can prevent even mild dehydration throughout the day, which will keep your brain sharp.

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3 Unusual Signs of Dehydration

  1. Craving something sweet and/or salty can signal that your body needs more fluids.

  2. Fevers and chills: especially dangerous if the fever is over 101 F.

  3. Bad breath: If you’re not producing enough saliva, sometimes bacteria overgrowth can occur, which can signal chronic dehydration.


Beth A. Czerwony, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition shares why avoiding dehydration is so important. “Water plays a vital role in the way the body functions, from controlling your body temperature to help eliminating waste products and lubricating joints,” says Czerwony. Although the most common recommendation is to drink 8 glasses (8 ounces) of fluids a day (64 ounces or one-half gallon daily), Czerwony emphasizes that some people have higher hydration needs, such as individuals living in warmer temperatures and athletes, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.

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True Citrus
True Citrus

4 Simple Things That Fight Dehydration

The Biggest Loser’s former trainer Kim Lyons says, “One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when trying to maintain their health is not drinking enough water. Water not only helps with energy levels and cravings, it also helps dissolve minerals and other nutrients to make them more accessible to the body.”


One of the products Kim uses regularly to combat dehydration is True Citrus. A recent independent study by a major California university found a 61 percent increase in water consumption with daily use of True Citrus products. This handy water additive is all-natural and gives any water a flavor boost that makes staying hydrated easier and more fun. The True Citrus flavors are lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit and other tropical fruits. They are inexpensive and handy for traveling and people on the go, and make any water, bottled or tap taste better. McKel Hill, a leader in the healthy living world, and founder and author of NUTRITION STRIPPED, is also a fan of the True Citrus brand of hydrating products.

Here are three other things that can help combat dehydration before the onset of any signs or symptoms:

  1. Make a habit of carrying a refillable water bottle with you at all times, in the car, at work, traveling, etc.

  2. Keep a pitcher or glass of water handy at home, on the counter or in the fridge and make a habit of taking several sips every time you pass by.

  3. Have a contest with yourself or other family members to see if you can drink your 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

  4. Eat more hydrating foods.

Also, when traveling, the dry environment in airplanes and the disruption in our routines can wreak havoc on our good health habits. Don’t be tempted to turn to alcohol or fruit drinks to replace water; both are poor choices for your fluid intake. If sugar-sweetened fruit-type drinks are all you have available, mix with 50 percent water for a somewhat healthier drink.

You can also choose to eat green salads, fruits like watermelon and cantaloupe, pears and pineapples, mangoes and blueberries and chomp down on some healthy veggies like bell peppers, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and celery. Only 80 percent of our water intake comes in beverage form, according to estimates from the National Academy of Medicine (NAM)—formerly the Institute of Medicine. So upping your intake of hydrating foods can really help—for a cool hydrating treat, try a popsicle made with one of the above fresh fruits.


Related: Eat Your Way to Better Hydration! 7 Hydrating Foods

I make my hydrating beverage to enjoy at home using: ½ cucumber, sliced, 1 lemon, sliced and 5 or 6 fresh mint leaves.  Add these to a pitcher of filtered water and keep in the fridge. It is super refreshing and also provides a small amount of potassium which your body needs, especially during the summer months when we tend to sweat more.

Why It's Important to Stay Hydrated

A hydrated body more efficiently transports oxygen to your brain and to your muscles during a workout. Staying hydrated will help balance your mood due to healthy mind and body regulation. Are you sweating during a workout? Good! Evaporation aids cooling, sweating is evaporation, and hydration allows for this to happen. Your joints, spinal cord, eyes and brain are all surrounded by fluid and staying hydrated is vital to their well-being. Finally, hydration is the very start of breaking down all those healthy foods you put into your mouth. Without saliva (or the dry mouth feeling you get when you are dehydrated) your body now has to play catch up while extracting the vital nutrients from your meals.

If you exercise (hopefully, that is you!), then drinking more before, during and after is necessary. The foods you eat impact your hydration levels, and high-sodium foods (like Mexican, hibachi grills, marinades, or pizza) require more water to counterbalance the higher amounts of sodium in your body. Watermelon, tomatoes and grapes are water-based foods and count toward your daily water intake and help promote hydration.

Up Next: 

Related: Does Lettuce Water Really Help You Sleep?


  • Sanjay Gupta, M.D., neurosurgeon and  CNN chief medical correspondent

  • Beth A. Czerwony, registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition

  • Nutrition Review: "Water, Hydration and Health"

  • National Academy of Medicine: "Report Sets Dietary Intake Levels for Water, Salt, and Potassium To Maintain Health and Reduce Chronic Disease Risk"

  • Plos One: "Effects of Changes in Water Intake on Mood of High and Low Drinkers"