Instagram is taking away Photo Maps

Instagram has been on a roll lately making changes to its app.

Just when you get used to its new layout though, the social media company announces it's changing yet again.

Say goodbye to Instagram's Photo Maps feature. Photo: Getty Images
Say goodbye to Instagram's Photo Maps feature. Photo: Getty Images

We first saw the brand make changes to its logos, then they introduced Instagram Stories, its Zoom feature and now we’re seeing Photo Maps go.

According to Mashable, Instagram confirmed it has already begun to remove the location-based feature from users profiles last week.

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You’ll notice if you go onto someone else’s profile, the location image in the toolbar will no longer be there between their ‘scrolling Photo Feed’ and ‘Photos of You’ features.

However on your own profile, you can still see the pin and tap into your own Photo Maps - but don’t get too used to it now, as it’ll be gone soon.

Old version with Photo Maps still in the toolbar. Photo: Instagram/Yahoo7 Be
Old version with Photo Maps still in the toolbar. Photo: Instagram/Yahoo7 Be

“Photo Map was not widely used, so we've decided to remove the feature and focus on other priorities," the company said in a statement.

This change is proof that Instagram is slowly getting a huge makeover, moving away from the location-based app it started out as, to be more like its number one competitor, Snapchat.

The new Instagram layout without Photo Maps. Photo: Instagram/Yahoo7 Be
The new Instagram layout without Photo Maps. Photo: Instagram/Yahoo7 Be

But don’t worry, you’ll still be able to rub your travels in your friends’ faces.

Instead of Photo Maps you can use geotags, where you can tag a location in an individual post and click on the location to see other people’s photos from the same spot.

You can still brag to your Insta friends about having been to Paris via geotags. Photo: Getty Images
You can still brag to your Insta friends about having been to Paris via geotags. Photo: Getty Images

The small map that appears on the top of that page isn’t going anywhere either.

So, you’re safe to keep bragging about having been to the Eiffel Tower in Paris and eaten that insane Reuben sandwich in New York.

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