I'm Dying Laughing At These Scammers Who Tried To Rip People Off And Got Totally And Completely Destroyed In The Process This Past Year
Honestly, it feels like part of just being alive in 2023 is getting about 15 scammer or spam texts every single day. It can be enough to drive one absolutely cuckoo. Join me, if you will, as we look at some people who absolutely dunked on some sorry scammers. Take, for example...
1.The person who needed a bit of clarification from a scammer:
2.The person who was kind enough to sign a scammer up for a helpful new service:
3.The person who only wanted to make their scammer a new dental patient:
4.The person who just tried to be nice to Karina:
5.The person who learned from a scammer that sometimes "anything" does not mean "anything":
6.The person who was just trying to give a scammer a deal:
7.The person who reminded a scammer of the good times they had together:
8.The person who gave a scammer a little pro tip:
9.The person who took control of the scamming situation:
10.The person who cut right to the chase with a scammer:
11.The person who had to let a scammer know some unfortunate news:
12.The person who let a scammer know they might want to double-check their scams:
13.The person who asked a scammer a deeply personal question:
14.The person who let a scammer know exactly what's up:
15.The person who made their terms explicitly clear to a scammer:
16.The person who employed eighth-grader tactics to great effect against a scammer:
17.The person who had to let a scammer down easy:
18.The person who had to break the unfortunate news about Cindy to a scammer:
19.The person who met their mortal enemy:
20.The person who wanted one thing from a scammer and never got it:
21.The person sent a scammer exactly what they asked for:
22.The person who let a scammer know exactly how they do business:
23.The person who sent a scammer a nice picture of themself:
24.The person who gave a brutally honest update on their family to a scammer:
25.The person who evoked the wrath of God from a scammer:
26.The person who requested the secret scammer code:
27.The person who had to remind a scammer of the unfortunate happenings in LA:
28.The person who made sure the scammer remembered their manners:
29.The person who pointed out the one little detail a scammer missed:
30.The person who just tried to turn a scammer on to a great new service:
31.The person who was brutally honest with a scammer:
32.The person who made their demands to a scammer very, very clear:
33.The person who played a scammer like a violin:
34.The person who let the scammer know exactly who they were:
35.The person who let a scammer know exactly where they're coming from:
36.The person who enjoyed a fine bottle of red, courtesy of a scammer:
37.The person whose mom got thrown in ghost jail:
38.The person who made their feelings about Joanna VERY clear:
39.The person who just tried to reconnect with their old scamming friend:
40.The person who asked a scammer some hard-hitting questions:
41.The person who just let a scammer know their real thoughts:
42.The person who just tried to get what a scammer owed them:
43.The person who went all Gandalf on a scammer:
44.The person who let a scammer know exactly where the money is going to go:
46.The person who had one request for a scammer:
47.The person who wrote a new Mission Impossible script with an unknowing scammer:
48.The person who had a scammer say the magic words:
49.The person who hit a scammer with a scam of their own:
50.And the person whose moneymaking math totally checks out:
Did you enjoy all those wacky pictures but really wish you could've been listening to some cool tunes while reading them? You're in luck, my friend. Check out this playlist of my favorite songs I listened to in 2023. Bless!