Here Are the Meanings of the Hierophant Tarot Card, According to a Tarot Reader

The fifth card in the Major Arcana, the Hierophant is all about tradition, convention religion and spirituality. Astrologer Lisa Stardust gives the rundown on its meaning

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Horoscope, Hierophant tarot card

In tarot, the Hierophant card is the fifth card in the Major Arcana.

The Hierophant shows us that we must combine all realms of life to gain insight into what matters most. This card allows us to access our higher mind and the soulful ventures inherent in our lives. By understanding the spiritual self, we can blend the world's physical, material and sacred aspects.

If you pull the Hierophant, pay attention to the necessity of directives, organization and the institutions that motivate you. Being responsible and accountable is key since the Hierophant is all about complying with the civilities of society.

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What does the Hierophant card mean?

This card is about spirituality, philosophy, morality and religion, which are all depicted through its imagery.

The Hierophant is a religious figure — demonstrated through the crown he wears, the seated position on the throne between pillars, as well as the Papal Cross and triple scepter in his hand. He sits in a sacred temple wearing red, blue and white robes, depicting the three worlds that he is in charge of: the conscious, subconscious and superconscious. You can also see the crossed keys between his feet, alluding to his power over the conscious and subconscious realms which only he can unlock.

The Hierophant’s right hand is raised in benediction, two fingers pointing to the sky (heaven) and two fingers pointing down (hell). The two people kneeling in front of the Hierophant are his disciples, who yearn for spiritual knowledge from him to attain a role in the church.

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What does the upright Hierophant mean?

Nestled between the Emperor and the Lovers, the Hierophant imparts the force of the Emperor and the desire for the intellectual growth of the Lovers. Before making choices through the Lovers, it’s essential to have a stealthy foundation and value system of the Hierophant to make educated and effective decisions.

Pulling this card can be an indicator that it's time to impart your wisdom to others now that you’ve mastered a subject or gained knowledge on it. Your expertise and experience in matters and teaching can make a difference to someone.

The Hierophant also speaks to order in times of chaos. Finding the right balance between different perspectives and energies can benefit your present and future. Being rational instead of impulsive can help you achieve your goals because you are pragmatic and reasonable.

This card wants us to do the right and just thing. Don’t be deceitful or take shortcuts. Treat others how you’d like to be treated and then you will win at all you do.

What does the reversed Hierophant tarot card represent?

The Hierophant upright indicates an external desire for approval and acceptance. When reversed, the Hierophant urges us to connect with one’s self and intuition. The reversed Hierophant means you’re taking a new approach to a situation or relationship and that you are forging your path and not following the herd.

Being an individual can be challenging because you must do things independently. Rather than doing what is expected of us, we’ll reject the natural order of life and do what feels right. There could be a rebellious streak that is coming out at this time, pushing you to get out of your comfort zone. There might be issues or conflicts with authority figures or leaders, so pulling a reversed Hierophant can mean that we are beginning to question the regulations and status quo.

What does the Hierophant tarot card mean in astrology?

The Hierophant is associated with the zodiac sign Taurus. Like the Hierophant, Taurus strongly believes and identifies with their beliefs and rarely sways away from them, as a fixed earth sign. They are regimented in stability and harmony and like to impart their wisdom to others.

There is an unwillingness to change ideology or feelings with this card. Being that the Hierophant is said to connect us with the divine and teach us important lessons, it can be attributed to Venus, the planetary ruler of Taurus, who represents divine love. Also, the Hierophant depicts our value system, social norms, and other sentiments that the sign Taurus and its planetary ruler Venus govern.

Since The Hierophant is the fifth card in the Major Arcana, we can assess that it harbors the same sentiment as the numerological correlation to this number as well. The core lesson of the number five is to control whims of fancy and temperament.

The possibilities may seem endless, but it’s critical to bunker down and map out the direction you want to take in life. It’s about controlled outcomes and conformity, even though we feel we have freedom.

Seeking a higher understanding of one’s purpose through meditation, religion or advice from others can guide us to glory.

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What does it mean when you pull the Hierophant card?

Generally, The Hierophant focuses on convention and structure. It never takes the path less taken and follows the rules set in place by society. These are interpretations of what the Hierophant tarot can mean for specific areas in your life:

Career: You like learning from others; their insights will be essential to your career growth. Keep an open mind when you hear inventive ideas — even if you don’t want to move away from the fray.

Finances: Invest in your IRA or savings account and spend wisely. Don’t buy frivolous items that won’t be useful to you. Make sure your finances are in check and stick to a budget.

Love: You might fall in love with someone spiritual, conservative, respected or an upstanding community member. This card can also indicate marriage and a traditional romance.

Friendship: Listen to your friends and offer them the same level of respect that you are given. Honor the relationship and do all you can to ensure they adhere to your values, standards and boundaries.

Family: Order lies in the family hierarchy. Don’t defy what your elders tell you — they have experience in their years. Also, pay homage to your ancestors and lineage when possible.

Health: Maintaining a positive attitude and healthy lifestyle is vital to caring for your body, mind and spirit. Listen to your doctor or healthcare practitioner's advice and do not veer from it. 

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