Here's My (And My Toddler's) Incredibly Honest Review Of Our Disney Cruise

Being a mom on vacation is wild. Even though you pack the sundresses, get on a plane, and head to a beautiful destination, you're still a mom. You still have to deal with the sleepless nights, the blowouts, car seat logistics, sunscreen overkill, and a whole host of new challenges. Sometimes, staying at home feels easier.

A woman holds a child on her lap while sitting on a bus. Several passengers are seated around them
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

I am a mom to a one-year-old, and because life's funny like that, I have traveled more frequently with my one-year-old than I ever had before him.

A young child pushes a suitcase in an airport or hotel lobby. Two other suitcases are nearby

Side note, you'll notice this post doesn't show pictures of his face. While I love using him and my experience parenting as content, I feel so uneasy putting his face on the internet. TBH, I had to get creative getting the angles where his biometrics were obstructed lol.

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Actually, Finny and I have been to six states and two countries together, and each trip feels like I'm exponentially more exhausted coming back than I was before I left.

A woman carrying a sleeping baby in a front baby carrier stands inside an elevator
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Which is why I was incredibly hesitant when Disney offered me a stateroom on the Magic to see their new island destination, Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point (which I actually enjoyed and you can read about that here). How would an ex-baby who still doesn't sleep through the night do on a contained boat? Would I piss off absolutely everyone when he inevitably screams himself to sleep? What is there for a baby to do on a cruise ship when all he likes doing is walking 20 feet then falling down in an empty field?

Side view of a Disney cruise ship with round windows in the hull, multiple decks, and a water slide
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

My gentleman loves Mickey Mouse and splash pads so I decided to give it a whirl.

A baby, held by an adult, walks towards Mickey Mouse who is kneeling with arms open. Mickey is dressed in a colorful costume with long sleeves and gloves

*BuzzFeed was provided this trip free of charge; however, we were under no obligation to give a positive review.

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

I am also very fortunate that, while he doesn't sleep through the night yet, he is a great plane napper, and has napped (sometimes entirely through) plane rides.

A woman sits on an airplane holding a sleeping baby, giving a thumbs up to the camera
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Our cruise was leaving out of Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and one of my main gripes about cruises is how you have to take multiple methods of transportation to get on another method of transportation. It's a lot of effort! Between the time difference and the two planes, three shuttles, and bus it took to get to the ship, we were already exhausted, and his sleep schedule was super messed up.

Disney Cruise Line terminal with clock tower, boarding bridge, and adjacent parking structure. A construction crane and buildings are visible in the background
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

He actually napped while we boarded the ship, and I was incredibly excited to hurry up and board so we could start relaxing. I've found myself doing that more as a mom, trying to get from point A to B as fast as possible so there's time for rest/nap at point B.

People boarding an airplane, one carrying a child
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

While he napped, we headed to the buffet (which I got to eat with TWO HANDS while he slept in the stroller). Usually I only get to eat with one because I end up feeding him in my lap.

A dinner plate with sautéed vegetables, baked pasta topped with cheese, mashed potatoes, and two pieces of focaccia bread
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

I can really understand why buffets and cruises go hand-in-hand because it feels like the buffet on the Disney Magic had everything. My family eats mostly a vegetarian diet (including my son), and I was surprised at how easy it was to find things that fit into that on the buffet line.

Buffet setup featuring various dishes including scrambled eggs, mac and cheese, fried chicken, and green beans. Plates and utensils are placed at the end
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

When Finn woke up, he wasn't too hungry, so we headed to our state room. He LOVED the stateroom, and it was amazing for me, too. He loves hotels, and this was especially great because EVERYTHING WAS SECURED. I didn't have to worry about him knocking something down on himself, the outlets were all up high, and the drawers were no-slam.

A toddler stands on a patterned carpet, reaching up towards a door handle in an indoor hallway
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

This was his playground. I was able to close the door to the bathroom and the door to the shower room so they latched, and the closet was too heavy for him to open himself.

A toddler in a blue shirt and shorts, standing on a window sill, looking outside through a glass door at a balcony and distant buildings
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

It was at this point we busted out some snacks. I became increasingly worried my snack supply would reach a critical level before the cruise ended. I've found what I miss most about being a parent on vacation is my reliance on my dog to be a snack Roomba. I always have to pick up the snack bits in the hotel room, and of course, some inevitably end up getting squashed under my feet.

A child wearing a blue jacket is at the end of a hallway, trying to open a door. An adult hand in the foreground holds snack pieces

That's everything I picked up off of the floor a few nights later.

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

He napped during the mandatory safety drill (the places kids can fall asleep never cease to amaze me) and then we got ready for dinner.

A neatly made bed in a hotel or ship cabin with a pair of shoes on the floor, a child's leg partially visible under the blanket, and personal items on a dresser
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Disney Cruise Line does "rotational dining," which means over the three nights of the cruise, we ate at all three restaurants on board, and our server followed us.

Dessert plate with a slice of layered pastry, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and a small jug of yellow sauce, on a decorated table setting with a drink

This was the point I realized how amazing having dinner so close by was. We're always late to things. I was never the "20 minutes early" kind of person before kids and now I'm even more late trying to get a second person ready.

A busy restaurant dining area with numerous hanging lanterns, many patrons seated at tables, and a few people walking around

Also, kids take so much auxillary equipment you have to pack for them.

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Our first night was at Rapunzel's Royal Table, which was a four-minute walk away. Finny feels lukewarm about princesses, but he is always down to give a high five.

Rapunzel from Frozen meets a woman holding a small child, engaging in a heartwarming moment inside a themed venue
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

At the restaurant, I was happy that there was already a cup with a straw (I forgot his sippy in the room), a high chair, and crayons and a coloring book. He's not excellent at coloring yet, and I had to remind him multiple times not to eat the crayons, but I did get him to doodle a little.

A toddler with light hair sits at a table with crayons and a sun-themed mat, looking to the side. An adult's arm is partially visible next to the child
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Luckily there was a little show where ruffians and Rapunzel sang, and they were very prompt with the food. Finny really liked gnawing on the bread rolls. He only has four teeth and I think others are going to break through any minute.

A basket lined with a cloth, filled with assorted bread rolls, sits on a dining table beside an empty dish with remnants of food
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

I'm really glad they kept the food coming. We never eat out at home. It's too hard to keep him entertained, and I end up just leaving the table to go walk around outside, but he was very content with the bread. Before our entree, the server came by and even made him a napkin bunny that he played with for three minutes!

A table with a partially eaten plate of pasta and broccoli in the foreground. A cloth napkin folded creatively sits in the background

The "three minutes" thing may sound sarcastic, but seriously, with a one-year-old, if you hand him anything that keeps his attention for longer than 30 seconds, it's a huge win.

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

I was struggling to find something for Finn on the kid's menu because his tummy has a hard time with meat. He ends up even more restless at night, and the past few with the jet lag had been very touch-and-go, so I didn't want to give him something that would bother him. Also, the kids menu turned into a Rapunzel lantern.

A woman smiling and holding a container with a sun design at a restaurant
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

The waiter asked what Finn liked eating at home, and I rattled off that he likes things like veggies, tofu, beans, pasta, etc. I was gobsmacked when he came back with a special order just for Finny!!!

Plate with spaghetti, grilled tofu, broccoli, and cauliflower. The plate has a drawing of a chameleon on it
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Finn loved his food (and the fruit sorbet that came after it), and the waiter asked how it was and what should be changed for the next night. It was at this moment I realized dinner was actually easier than if I had stayed at home. I didn't have to make anything and he got exactly what he would normally eat.

A baby wearing a patterned shirt is being fed with a spoon by an adult. The baby appears to be eating a pink substance

That night was a show. The Magic had Broadway-style shows every night, and the first night was a Tangled show. I wasn't sure he'd be able to sit for the show, and I was right. He didn't make it through the intro until he started babbling at an audible level, I got self-conscious about the noise he was making, and we left.

A small child runs playfully down a carpeted hallway on a ship, with interior doors and furniture visible in the background
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

It was actually amazing skipping the show because it felt like everyone else on the boat was at the second seating of dinner or at the show, so we had the whole place to ourselves.

A child is lounging on a deck chair on a ship's deck, with a calm sea visible in the background
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

He LOVED running around on the deck. If it was up to him, he would just do laps on the deck. I was scared at first of him falling overboard, which I equate to the episode of Friends where Rachel is worried a hawk will fly through the window and steal Emma. Everything had safety glass and there was really no risk of that happening, and I got over that quickly and let him run free (with me dutifully following him, of course).

A toddler walks on the deck of a cruise ship, while adults lounge in chairs and others walk in the background
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

The ship actually had a running trail (that I didn't see anyone on), that went all the way around the boat, so we did a few laps on that, then headed back to the room.

Sign indicating jogging direction with the message: "3 laps = 1 mile. For your safety and enjoyment, proper footwear is requested."
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

When we headed back to the room, the crunched Cheerio on the floor was gone, the bed was made, and the room was cleaned! I had only been on one cruise prior and totally forgot there was a turn-down service.

Bunk beds in a room with privacy curtains and striped walls. The top bunk has a railing and ladder, and both beds are made up with white and red bedding
Bunk beds in a room with privacy curtains and striped walls. The top bunk has a railing and ladder, and both beds are made up with white and red bedding
A towel folded into a penguin shape stands on a bed in a cabin-like room. Four chocolate bars are lined up in front of the towel penguin
A towel folded into a penguin shape stands on a bed in a cabin-like room. Four chocolate bars are lined up in front of the towel penguin

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

The bed rail was already on the bed, and walking back to a clean room for bed time that I didn't have to clean was so, so unbelievable.

A baby is lying on a bed, surrounded by pillows and wrapped in a patterned blanket, with their face turned away from the camera. Room items are visible in the background
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

He had a hard time getting to sleep, and I was anxious that the neighboring staterooms would hear him and hate me, so he and I walked around the ship until he fell asleep.

A ship's empty deck at night with wooden planks, lounge chairs, and lifeboats overhead
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

I walk around A LOT of places in the middle of the night trying to get that man to sleep, but this was my favorite. Areas around the theater and restaurants didn't have people, weren't around staterooms, and had pleasant instrumental music and warm lighting. I didn't feel pressured to quell his light fussing, and liking the atmosphere added to my patience in getting him to sleep because I didn't mind doing laps and swaying.

Disney Cruise Line ship chimney with iconic Mickey Mouse logo illuminated at night
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

The next morning, we woke up in the harbor of Lighthouse Cay, and I was exhausted. Staying up late to walk the child around, getting up with him in the middle of the night, AND everything we did the day before took it out of me.

View of a curvy pier extending into the ocean with people walking along it. Farmland and buildings are visible in the distant background
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

I am incredibly fortunate to travel with my mom and sister, who love Finny, and they took him to breakfast and a craft while I took a nap.

A hand holding a small paper model of a cruise ship in front of a window showing the ocean water outside

I don't usually love napping because there's so much to do or I feel guilty because someone else has the baby, but with not chores and exhaustion, it was pretty easy. Wow, I woke up a new woman.

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

We ventured onto Lighthouse Cay. My fear of my baby's skin and the sun is real. I slathered him with sunscreen. Travel time where he doesn't sleep as well makes me hyper-aware of anything that could hurt or ail him because I don't want him to sleep worse than he already does.

A toddler sits on the ground, wearing a printed shirt, reaching towards a clear bucket of water on a blue textured surface

Looking back, I can't believe all of the sunscreen I put on that poor guy's head.

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

We got to Lighthouse Cay, and here's my shameless plug to go here if you want to see the full review, but he had a lot of fun going on the splash pad and eating plantains.

A toddler in a swimsuit is walking alone in a splash pad water play area with various water features and slides in the background
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

We were told to be back on the ship by 5 p.m. and we were buzzer beaters. I thought for sure he would sleep well because of all his playing and how we were all sun-tired. He was "sad gross beach kid," a term I coined that describes a kid whose cheeks are red, whose skin is sticky from sunscreen, whose feet and hands are sandy, and whose unbelievably tired from a day of tropical fun (you know the one).

A woman wearing a hat holds a sleeping baby on a bus or train, with a view of a dry landscape and trees outside the window. Names unknown
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

We had dinner at Lumiere's, the French Beauty and the Beast-themed restaurant on board, and it was, by far, the adults' favorite food on the cruise.

A plated dish featuring grilled tofu, barley, dried tomatoes, and assorted vegetables with a green sauce, served in a white bowl

The waiter came out with Finny's "special order," and they even cut it in little kiddo pieces for him!

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

I wanted to take him to a kid's club, but I found out the Oceaneer Club is for kids 3–12. The Nephew's Splash Zone on the ship also closed at 6 p.m. so that wasn't an option. I thought, "What is he going to do?"

Blueprint-themed display titled "Nephews' Splash Zone" features Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Uncle Donald Duck. Statue of Donald Duck spouting water in foreground
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

The ships do have an "it's a small world" nursery for kids 6 months–3 years, but I have a Velcro child who gets really mad when I'm not around. Plus, you have to make reservations, and it's $9/hour, which is cheap for babysitting, but I also don't like being away from him, so we opted not to use the nursery.

A toddler sits on a patterned carpet playing with Disney toys, surrounded by scattered items near a bed
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Instead, we wandered around the boat again. While I thought it was boring, I had to keep reminding myself that Finny was having the time of his life. All of the cast members were giving them stickers when he waved to them; he was able to drift in and out of events and people-watch; and we'd run into characters!

A toddler in patterned clothing walks through an indoor entertainment venue with an illuminated stage in the background. Several people are seated watching a performance
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

The second night was Pirate Night. They have a pirate-themed deck party and all of the characters were out in their swashbuckling best. We had to see our main man, Mickey.

A baby in a patterned outfit approaches Mickey Mouse dressed in a pirate costume while holding an adult's hand
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

He's so amped to see the characters when we're waiting in line. Like, his whole body will lean forward towards them, and then when we get to them, he gets really nervous.

Goofy in a sailor costume playfully interacts with a woman and a toddler on a carpeted floor
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

I tried SO HARD to keep him up for the Pirate Party and fireworks, which started at 10 p.m. He fell asleep at 10:02, missed the majority of the party, missed fireworks, and woke back up when we got to the room. He fell back asleep at 1 a.m.

A mother holds her sleeping child closely among a group of people at an event

In that time, we ordered room service (which was included at no extra charge) because I was curious to see if we were eating too early and he was hungry.

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

The last day we docked for the day in Nassau, but Finn and I stayed on the boat. While I did a thing for work, Finn met four (4!) princesses. He took a three hour nap on me while I sat on the balcony and watched a storm come in. It was really lovely to just sit and not have to worry about dishes or laundry or answering emails.

Merida from Disney's Brave animated movie sits on the floor next to a young fan, sharing a moment under a staircase indoors
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

It rained most of the day, but we were all good because we had a Dole Whip. We were also pretty tired still from traveling and Lighthouse Cay, so it was nice to have a day to chill, walk around, and meet characters.

Also, I learned that the kids clubs all have a couple hours every day for an open house where anyone can go play in them regardless of age. Finny liked walking around and playing in there, and it was nice that I could go with him.

Children's play area with Toy Story-themed decor, including Woody poster, tunnel slide, Slinky Dog slide, and Hamm piggy bank figure
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Our last dinner was at Animator's Palate, which had a special surprise visitor who stopped to make a special visit to Finn.

Mickey Mouse greets guests in a restaurant filled with animated decor and vibrant lighting. Diners are seated around tables, enjoying the lively atmosphere
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

The adults agreed that Lumiere's was still our favorite food-wise, but Animator's Palate was our favorite theme-wise.

Menu for Animator's Palate restaurant on Disney Cruise Line open to the dessert section showing the Disney trademark
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

When we got back to our CLEAN room (seriously, I can't stress enough how awesome this was and how luxurious this felt), we got into jammies and played a little before bed.

Woman with shoulder-length hair looks down at a folded towel in the shape of an animal. She stands near a table with food and a framed art piece in the background

This is me petting the towel animal our room attendant left for us. Not quite like petting my puppy at home but pretty dang close.

Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

He slept through the night! There's something to be said about just how much you do on a cruise! I actually had to wake him up to disembark, which I was worried about because packing up everything and schlugging it to the next stop is so much work, but we literally walked right off the boat and breezed through customs to our bus. It probably took 10 minutes.

Woman in a blue shirt featuring Epcot and Disney characters sits on a bus with a child sleeping on her lap
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Since then I have been looking into another Disney cruise, and never in my life did I think I would become a cruise person. However, it was three days without chores, without making do, and without having to plan an itinerary. It was all done for me. The mental load was less, the service was great, and for the first trip since I had a baby, it felt like a vacation and an escape from the grind.

A woman wearing a hat and a floral outfit walks on a sunny path holding a toddler's hand. Palm trees and resort buildings are in the background
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

The "kid" features were not what I liked on the Disney cruise either. We didn't use the nursery or the kids clubs, we didn't go to every show, and we didn't try to hit every event, but I had to constantly remind myself that he thinks the little things are amazing, like the cup covers on the cups in the room and the light switch by the nightstand.

A small blue rubber duck wearing a shark costume with a red ribbon around its neck, holding a card that reads, "Lucky Lucky, you found a DUCKIE!"
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

After running the gamut of trips with my little one from national parks to beaches to family gatherings to Disney World, this felt the most baby-friendly (and probably not in the way it was meant to be). 10/10 would recommend a Disney Cruise with a one-year-old.

Woman holding hands with a child while walking on the deck of a cruise ship. The woman is wearing cropped pants and a patterned sleeveless top. The child is dressed in a printed outfit
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

I have a lot of beef with people who say "he won't remember this, why are you taking him?" which I've heard everywhere from vacations to sporting events. The truth is, I don't want to be confined to my house because I am still an adult who likes to go places and do things.

A woman smiling while holding a young child. The child's face is blurred
Audrey Engvalson / BuzzFeed

Have you taken a favorite vacation with your wee one? If so, where did you go, and why was it great? Tell me in the comments below!