23 Small, Medium, And Large Mistakes Employees Made That I Genuinely Can't Stop Laughing At

1.This person who installed these steps:

steps go to a window instead of the door

2.This person who was in charge of this warning label:

smoking is a major cause of stronke

3.Whoever was responsible for this desk lamp's "on/off" button:

label says no instead of on

4.This person who was supposed to let you know this plate is microwavable, but...:

sticker says microwave available
  u/Magic_phil / Via reddit.com

5.This retail employee who dressed this mannequin:

someone put a folded shirt on the mannequin instead of dressing it

6.This cable guy who decided not to move the hula hoop:

hoola hoop is stuck behind a cable

7.This person who made a very deceitful packaging label, like which meat is it?!:

turkey breast made of australian pork

8.The person who made this electric stove:

the burners are off set from their mark

9.This grocery store employee who put this together:

bin full of watermelons with a label for onions

10.This person who baked these chocolate chip cookies:

chocolate chips piled on top of cookies

11.Whoever installed this faucet:

water doesn't go into the sink

12.Whoever was in charge of making this cheap toilet paper — and left SPLINTERS in it:

a large splinter in the toilet paper



13.This mislabeled door:

push door labeled pull

14.This person who stocked this vending machine:

none of the chips are on the shelf

15.This person who installed these bathroom stall doors:

the doors don't cover the toilets so they're exposed

16.This person who covered this manhole:

square cover on top of the circle hole

17.This person who installed a dryer that can't even open all the way:

door stuck at the wall
  u/NutInsideMeBruh / Via reddit.com

18.This person who made this very confusing toy:

puzzle labeled with different shapes and number that don't match the shape they are

19.This person who placed these upside-down building numbers:

27 upside down

20.This person who made a fortune-less fortune cookie:

broken cookie with no fortune

21.This person who decorated this birthday cake, which is supposed to say, "grandma":

happy birthday and the rest is not legible

22.This delivery person who didn't handle this package "with care":

handle with care package is ripped

23.And finally, this store employee who organized the "stomach relief" section:

aisle for scissors and calculators labeled as stomach relief


H/T: r/NotMyJob and r/onejob