Half a face teen fights back against her bullies

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Image: Discovery Fit & Health

The 17-year-old teenager from Ontario, Canada, suffers from a rare condition called neurofibromatosis, which caused a large tumor to grow on the side of her face.

Atwell was diagnosed with the disease at eight months old. Since then, she has undergone several surgeries and frequently suffers from headaches and blurred vision.

But the biggest struggle, Atwell says, has been dealing with cruel taunts from bullies at school.

"I was in grade three and people were calling me names like 'fat face' and 'ugly' and were pushing me around," Sarah told ABC News. "They said I had a disease. Most of the time, I just walked away and didn't say much to them."


In an attempt to hit back at her bullies, Atwell posted an emotional video last year explaining her disease and revealing the torment associated with her disfigurement.

Image: Discovery Fit & Health

“I have a tumor, that’s all… and people don’t understand,” she wrote on a notecard in the video.

The video went viral, attracting millions of views worldwide. It also caught the attention of Discover Fit & Health who filmed Atwell in a documentary, capturing the teen's struggles as she prepares to undergo life-altering surgery, which she hopes will make her appear normal once and for all. The documentary airs in the US next month.

"If I could stand up to bullying, and if another kid who was bullied sees me and thinks they can talk to someone and think, 'I can stand up for myself,' then I have helped," she said.


In an attempt to fight back against her bullies, Atwell posted a video last year explaining her disease and revealing the torment associated with her disfigurement.

“I have a tumor, that’s all… and people don’t understand,” says a card the teen holds for everyone to see.

The video went viral worldwide and has attracted the attention of Discover Fit & Health who will be documenting what Atwell hopes to be a life-altering surgery to make her appear normal once and for all.

“Maybe one day the bulling will stop, but until then I’m going to be strong,” one of the last cards says.


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