So, Apparently Eating A Doughnut For Breakfast Improves Your Memory

First of all, if you haven’t already demolished your weight in doughnuts today then is-there-something-wrong-with-you-because-today’s-a-[free pass](it’s international Doughnut Day, after all)?

Second of all, if you somehow managed to resist using Doughnut Day as an excuse to devour a calorific wheel then perhaps us revealing there’s proof doughnuts actually improve your health will send you over the edge. Yep, science has shown that the sugary delicacies improve your memory.

RELATED: Australia's Most Dazzling Doughnuts
RELATED: Doughtnut Time Is Taking Over Australia One Nutella Creation At A Time

But don’t be grabbing your coat for a Krispy Kreme run just yet sister ‘cause we’ve got some bad news for you. If you haven’t already consumed your circle of goodness then you may well be too late.

A study has shown that if you’re having trouble concentrating or remembering things in the morning, it's often because your brain is missing the sugar it needs to function normally.

So basically, today rules for those us who scoffed down a doughnut(/s? - no judgement) for brekky this morning.

For the rest of you, enjoy your carrot sticks (if you can remember eating them).