Does organic food really taste better?

Organic food put to the taste test. Photo: Getty
Organic food put to the taste test. Photo: Getty

Researchers at Albertay University in Dundee found that when taste tests were carried out, people convinced themselves that organic food samples tasted better than normal food products.

Participants tasted and scored identical foods with some being classified as organic or Fairtrade. After tasting samples of apple juice, chocolate and biscuits, the volunteers gave much higher scores to food they believed to be organic.

Organic food is produced without using harmful chemicals, while Fairtrade means farmers and producers in developing countries get a fair price for their goods.

Although research shows certain organic foods have higher vitamin and antioxidant levels, no research to date has proven that they actually taste better.

According to lead study author Dr Boyka Bratanova, these findings suggests that it’s the moral satisfaction that comes from eating Fairtrade products that has a significant impact on the enjoyment of the food.

Bratanova believes that once we try organic food, the supposed superior taste acts as a reward to make us continue buying that product.

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“What is absolutely central is the consumer must believe that ethical food production is important,” she said. “If they don’t value the reasons behind Fairtrade or organic food production then they will not experience the moral satisfaction effect. “

And Bratanova believes that people who are particularly passionate about the importance of Fairtrade and organic principles, gain even more enjoyment from eating ethical food.