Grow It or Leave It: Is Easy-Care Dieffenbachia a Houseplant for You?

how to care for dieffenbachia crocodile
Dieffenbachia: Indoor Grow and Care Guide Costa Farms

With its large leaves and upright form, dieffenbachia is ideal for adding a splash of color and drama to any brightly-lit room. Its pretty leaves have splotches, stripes, or mottled patterns in shades of cream, white, and gold. Popular for decades, this plant is an attractive, inexpensive addition to your houseplant collection.

Native to Central and South America, dieffenbachia isn’t a fussy plant. It’s as easy to grow as pothos, snake plant, and aglaonema. It grows very quickly in bright light, and it’s usually pest-free. Some varieties can grow up to 10 feet tall, even indoors. It also can be kept as a patio plant in USDA Hardiness zones 10 and warmer (find your zone here).

The plant’s not-very-flattering common name is dumbcane, referencing the fact that the sap can cause numbing effects on the vocal cords if ingested. For this reason, it’s not recommended to grow this plant if you have curious kids or pets who like to nibble.

Dieffenbachia Basic Info

Common Name: Dieffenbachia, dumbcane
Botanical Name: Dieffenbachia seguine
Plant Family: Araceae
Type of Plant: Houseplant
Native Origin: Central and South America
Sun Exposure: Bright light
Mature Size: 1 to 10 feet tall, 2 to 3 feet wide
Toxic to pets: Yes

how to grow and care for dieffenbachia
Nora Carol Photography - Getty Images

How to Care for Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia is easy to care for and makes an impressive accent plant with its striking variegated foliage. It will grow quickly if given the right conditions.


Dieffenbachia prefers bright light, but it will tolerate moderate to low light levels. However, the lower the light, the less robustly it will grow. It does not like full sun, though it can handle a little direct sunlight in winter when light levels are lower. Rotate the plant occasionally to keep it from leaning toward the light.


Any good potting mix is fine, but make sure it’s well-draining. These plants don’t like to stay too soggy.


Poke your finger in to test the moisture level, and water when the top inch or two of soil feels dry. They are forgiving if you occasionally forget to water, but generally prefer not to dry out completely.


Dieffenbachia tolerates average indoor temperatures from 65 to 75 degrees. Although it prefers high humidity, it will adapt fine to most indoor environments as long as it is watered properly.

how to grow and care for dieffenbachia
Ali Majdfar - Getty Images

Common Problems with Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia rarely has pest issues. Like all houseplants, it can be vulnerable to spider mites, scales, and mealybugs. Inspect your plant’s leaves regularly and take action if anything looks off. Rinse the plant off in the shower, or use an insecticidal soap.


Yellow leaves at the bottom of the plant are normal as the older leaves die off. Simply snip them off, and the plant will continue to push new growth from the top.

How to Propagate Dieffenbachia

If your dieffenbachia plant starts to get leggy, it’s simple to propagate a new one from a cutting. Wear gardening gloves because the sap can cause skin irritation in sensitive people.

To make a new plant, cut off the top of the plant with scissors or plant snips, dip the cut end into rooting hormone, and place in a pot of damp potting mix. Place the pot in a brightly-lit location (though not in direct sunlight), and keep the soil lightly moist. New leaves will eventually appear from the cutting.

how to care for dieffenbachia
Elizabeth Fernandez - Getty Images

Types of Dieffenbachia

  • ‘Camille’ is one of the most common varieties with foliage with ivory centers and green edges; it reaches 2 to 3 feet tall.

  • ‘Crocodile’ is a new variety with large dark green leaves speckled with white and a unique crested midrib on the bottom of each leaf, reminiscent of a crocodile's back; it reaches 6 feet.

  • ‘Cool Beauty’ is another new variety with variegated leaves with creamy centers edges in white; it reaches a foot tall.

how to grow and care for dieffenbachia
Bogdan Kurylo - Getty Images


Is Dieffenbachia Easy to Grow?

Yes, this is one of the more forgiving houseplants you can grow! Give it bright light, and water when it's slightly dry, and it will grow quickly.

Where Should You Put a Dieffenbachia Indoors?

Give it bright light, but not direct sunlight (though it's okay to give it a few hours of direct morning sun, especially in winter when the sunlight is less intense). Dieffenbachia does best in an east, west, or south-facing window. It will tolerate moderate or low light levels, but it will not grow as vigorously or as quickly as in a high light setting.

Is Dieffenbachia Toxic to Pets?

Unfortunately, dieffenbachia contains calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic to pets. All parts of this plant are toxic to pets if ingested and may cause oral irritation and burning, drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your eat has eaten this plant, even if you’re not entirely sure, contact your vet immediately.

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Arricca is a garden writer with more than 15 years of experience growing houseplants, herbs and edibles, and landscape plantings. Her houseplant collection includes more than 65+ plants, while her expansive garden includes new annuals, perennials, and shrubs that she trials for performance and reliability. Dieffenbachia is one of her favorite low-maintenance plants to give new plant parents.

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