Goldendoodle Fends Off Dog Brothers From Barbie Pool Float in Epic Showdown

Watching our dogs interact can be highly entertaining. Their games highlight their unique thought processes and give us a glimpse into their true character. It’s one of the many ways they may make our lives more enjoyable.

When it comes to sharing toys, dogs can be just as competitive as human kids. This Goldendoodle, for example, defends her special float like a queen, making it clear she's the undisputed guardian of her kingdom.

Watch this video from July to see how she hilariously safeguards her territory.

I didn't like sharing my Barbies with the boys when I was young, and Oakley (@oakleydoodlegram), the sweet Goldendoodle, isn’t a fan of sharing with her brothers either. Even though she may not mind having younger siblings around most days, she’s determined to keep this special float all to herself. She's not about to let them splash around on it and get her beautiful fur all wet. Or maybe she wants to lie down and catch a few rays without being disturbed. Perhaps she knows too much roughhousing could pop it, and she’s unwilling to take the chance. No matter what the reason may be, her determination is genuinely commendable. And watching how hard these players tried to win, there’s doubt they were all tired out after their pool time.

Related: Excited Mini Goldendoodle Becomes the Leader of the Pack at the Dog Park

Is It Resource Guarding or Playing?

Sometimes, it is challenging to differentiate between playing dogs and those showing signs of aggression. Because dogs enjoy games like chasing, wrestling, and tug-of-war, it can make distinguishing between these activities difficult. However, when dogs are playing, they have a relaxed body. Many also stretch their legs out in front and bow as an invitation, and these games will have both sides taking turns as the winner. While barking and growling may occur, these vocalizations are not aggressive. Playtime also includes a loose, wagging tail and energetic, bouncy movements, much like Oakley and her brothers exhibited. Resource guarding is a natural behavior in which dogs protect something they consider high value, such as food, toys, or people. Signs include stiff body posture, growling and snarling, showing teeth, and snapping or biting. It's essential to watch for signs like these to prevent fights from occurring.

People understood where this good girl was coming from. Viewer @legendarylabradoodles responded, “They are hilarious. They are definitely more like toddlers than doggies!” That’s so true! Viewer @cavaliercalledpepper remarked, “Game of Floating Thrones.” Ha! That it was. Viewer @hobie_the_goldendoodle pointed out, “Well, after all, it is a Barbie boat! Hence, specifically made for Miss Queen!” A girl needs to have a few things just for her.

Hopefully, Oakley will enjoy many more days on her float in the sun this summer. However, if she wants peace and quiet, she’ll likely need to learn how to share it with the boys.