Golden Retriever on a Diet Makes Heartfelt Plea for Treats and It’s Too Cute To Resist

If you’ve ever been on a diet, you know how tough it can be. It’s not just the hunger but also the uncontrollable cravings for forbidden treats. Humans may understand all the benefits of staying on track, but it’s a bit more challenging for dogs to grasp.

With our limited time with our beloved pets, it’s a delicate balance between giving them what they want and ensuring their health. However, we can save those tasty snacks for moments when their requests are impossible to resist. As these beautiful pups demonstrate, it may even make them more special.

Check out this heartfelt appeal in a video from September 1:

They are both so polite! There’s no way I could deny beautiful Mr. Blue (@bellaandblueberry) his favorite treats when he’s asking for them like this. I’m not sure what’s more charming, his little tippy tap toes or his precious pointing. But having this unbelievable cuteness combined would surely win me over every time. His sweet sister, Bella, appears equally pleased by his heartfelt performance, seeming to understand that it will also help her get a tasty bite, and it does. After sticking to his dietary plan, he earned his Greenie, and they celebrated his achievement. When you work hard at something, rewarding yourself for a well-done job is essential.


Related: Golden Retriever Walks ‘Forgetful’ Mom to the Treat Jar Like a Real Gentleman

The Benefits of Maintaining a Healthy Weight for Dogs

Although putting our dogs on a diet can be as hard on us as it is for them, there are many reasons to prevent them from suffering from obesity. The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that maintaining a healthy weight helps dogs lower their risk of developing health problems, such as diabetes, arthritis, joint issues, kidney disease, and even certain forms of cancer.

My food-loving dog recently had to drop five pounds, so we replaced many of his snacks with calorie-free “Water biscuits,” also known as ice cubes. When he gets his regular treats, we break them in half to reduce his overall calorie load, along with a slight reduction in the amount he is fed for his meals. While it took a couple of months to have him at his ideal weight, going slow prevented him from feeling hungry, and he’s now adapted to his new lifestyle.

Blue’s polite pleas amused pet parents. One person shared, “The Greenie dance in our house is accompanied by hyperventilating! Those things must be like chocolate is to me!” Ha! That appears to be the case. Viewer @kalay_ responded, “Blue saw a video of a bird dog pointing and said -Hold my pup cup. I can do that!” As clever as our dogs can be, that may be true.

Ensuring our dogs are here for as long as possible and feeling their best is a terrific motivator to stay on track. As Blue and Bella’s mom knows, that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the things they love.