Going Through Eight Rounds Of Interviews Only To Get Rejected, And 15 Other Things Fed Up Job Seekers Will Feel In Their BONES

If you've ever had to search for a job — or, if you happen to be on the job search right now! — then you know that it's not for the faint of heart. In fact, sometimes it can be downright miserable.

"I hate this. Every part of it."

Why? There are a ton of reasons, but some of the biggest offenses include extreme and ridiculous job application questions, unprofessional recruiters, and a severe lack of transparency when it comes to payment and salaries. If you're a frustrated job seeker who wants to feel seen, please continue reading and take a gander at some of these rage-inducing screenshots.

1.This job that literally expected employees to PAY to work there.

"The employee is required to pay $500..."

2.This recruiter who set up an interview and then was like, "Ehhh, nvm I don't really feel like it."

"Not today"

3.This job posting that might as well have not posted a salary range at all:

"$5,000/yr - $600,000/yr...."

4.This recruiter who tried to keep the salary a *fun little secret*.

"I do not have fixed salary range, they have just mentioned as open"
"let me know whats your expected salary"

5.This poor soul who went through EIGHT rounds of interviews only to get rejected in the eleventh hour:

"I totally understand and will surely keep your informed should something come up or any changes here"

6.This joke of an establishment who wants candidates to wait until they are literally unemployed and starving before they apply.

"I do not schedule interviews for candidates that are currently employed full-time"

7.This recruiter who accepted a candidate's salary range and then basically tried to offer them half of what they asked:

Screenshot of an email exchange
"we can offer you max 33k euros per year to start"

8.This job that won't accept anything below "God" level:

"Seeking 'God' level talent for senior google PPC position"

9.This job application that involves paying for your own drug test:

"You must be medically fit to perform and willing to attend a medical assessment at your own expense."

10.This recruiter who tried to dance around the salary question by saying getting paid is "just a bonus."

"We do not disclose salary ranges until we've had an opportunity to fully assess your qualifications."

11.This application for an entry level job that asked for a FULL WEEK of work before they'd even consider hiring:

"Do a test task - it takes 1 week"

12.Something unique about me? I need this job to feed and clothe myself:

A question on Indeed

13.This recruiter who actually thought waiting 11 minutes to hear back counted as "communication issues."

"I was no longer being considered for a position because of 'communication issues'"

14.This coffee shop that expected their baristas to get VERY existential:

"What do you want to have written on your gravestone one day and how is this position going to help you achieve that?"

15.This job that straight up lied about a job being remote and then canceled an interview because of it:

"Although the position is remote, the candidates must be local to Malvern, PA."
"If only you had known the remote job was not actually remote...."

16.And finally, this candidate who asked for feedback and got this super helpful and constructive response:

"Unfortunately, we do not think we will be a good fit for you."
Screenshot of an email asking why someone didn't get a job
"There is not a specific reason that we can tell you that we did not think we would be a good fit."

H/T: r/recruitinghell and r/antiwork