Give Mum What She Really Wants This Mother's Day

Forget impersonal gift vouchers or cheap chocolate. Here’s how to give mum something she’ll really love and treasure for years to come.

We all know that when Mother’s Day rolls around, mums are often subjected to burned breakfast in bed or a hastily-bought bouquet from well-meaning kids. And while those gifts show the family’s heart is in the right place, a more meaningful gift can show mum she’s truly appreciated. This year, make sure you nab something for mum that she really wants, and make her Mother’s Day a memorable one.

What she really wants: A smooth start to her day
What to buy: A morning mum ‘starter pack’
Whether you’re buying for an exhausted new mum of an experienced one with grown-up kids, you should know that the toughest time of day for any parent can be the first few minutes! Help mum conquer that first ‘morning moment’ by giving her a barista-quality coffee machine to help her get the day started. Try the De’Longhi Fully Automatic Coffee Machine for that unique coffee moment at the touch of a button, and throw in some comfy slippers to get her up and into the kitchen on those cold winter mornings and some hand-rolled granola and show her how to start ‘fresh’ every day.

What she really wants: A fun night out (with or without the family!)
What to buy: Tickets to a live experience
If she’s a stay-at-home mum, your mum might feel like she only ever sees the inside of her own house. If she’s a working mum, she’s likely too tired to head out on the town, let alone get her head around organising it all! This year, surprise mum with a well-thought out ticket to a live experience. It might be that your mum loves musicals, and you can hit up a major musical production in your home town. But you can think outside the square and consider comedy shows, pantomimes or outdoor cinemas.

What she really wants: Bonding time with the kids
What to buy: Gourmet goodies for a luxury picnic
If your budget is limited, or you simply want to do something with mum that brings you closer to nature, consider a perfectly-planned picnic in a beautiful spot. Choose some gorgeous gourmet cheeses, pack boxes of berries, flaky pastry and sparkling plus chocolate or lunches for the kids and head to a bushland viewpoint, park or beach to eat and celebrate as the sun sets. Don’t forget a blanket, thermos of hot coffee and a little vase to fill with flowers along the way and present to mum at the end.

What she really wants: A minute to herself
What to buy: A time-saving appliance or device
It’s no secret that mums are always the first port of call whether it’s helping look for a lost jumper, listening to adult kids calling with good news or bad news, or picking someone up from soccer practice. So it comes as no surprise that mums crave alone time. Help mum ease the ‘mental load’ by giving her the gift of a few minutes to herself, like buying a coffee machine for a fresh cuppa to take a break with, a slow cooker if she’s the family chef for easy meals, or an UberEats voucher for a few treats home-delivered. Giving her a reason to have a “time out moment” each day is the kind of gift that reaps rewards for years to come, and helps keep mum happy and calm!

What she really wants: To know you care
What to buy: A well-researched present plus a next-level card
Take some time to think long and hard about your mum’s favourite things. If you’re not sure, ask the other significant people in her life or slip some subtle questions into your conversation ahead of the big day. Think about the best way to support her passion, whether that means some high-end gardening gloves for a green thumb mum, hand-bound tomes for bookworms, a new tennis racquet for sporty types or a new tablet for the technology types. Most importantly, instead of a card, include a handwritten letter that describes a favourite memory with your mum and your thanks for everything she’s done along with the story of why you chose the present you have. Happy celebrating!

For more information on the De’Longhi Fully Automatic Coffee Machine visit